
  1. J

    Hello fellow chicken tenders!

    Hello, 1st time chicken owner and loving it! I've read and researched so much and learned a lot from this page. We have 9 leghorns, 3 brown and 6 white they are (4-5 wks old)feisty and spunky. 6 Easter eggers that are the sweetest and have the chubby cheeks they are only (3 days old). 3 barred...
  2. Birdlady13

    Back of neck losing feathers...normal??

    My royal palm turkey hen is suddenly missing feathers JUST on her neck. It is currently winter time and we have NO Jake's. Is this normal or maybe my guinea fowl are bullying her??
  3. DanAndQuails

    Treat or Euthanize? — Turkey In Bad Shape

    Hi everyone! I wish I was coming with better news. My broad breasted white turkey, Evelyn, is not doing well at all. Earlier yesterday she was doing fine going after food. Last night she had one swollen eye. This morning both eyes nearly sealed shut and was really acting sick. Not eating or able...
  4. Emily02037aj

    Watery white turkey poo a long with constant drinking during the night

    So, I have the bourbon red, her name is Philbert. I’ve been worried about her recently because her stool has been far from normal. Usually it’s pretty well. Poopy, not too solid or liquid. The photos with e blood in them I realized was intestinal lining haha.
  5. S

    Turkey Hen hurt (large skin rip) while mating- need help with treatment

    Hi all, My female turkey was hurt last night when our much larger tom (who I don't want mating with her, it was an accident they were together). She has a fairly large patch of skin (maybe 4x5") peeled open underneath her wing above her hip. It isn't a deep wound, but it's a large area...
  6. G

    6 Year Old Turkey with "Cheesy" Bits in Poop

    Hello! My turkey Sweet Pea has done two of these poops over the past two weeks. She is currently inside due to an arthritic joint that she won't use, she is on carprofen 2x daily and sometimes tramadol. I rub a lotion on her hocks 2x daily that contains glucosamine, boswellia and arnica. These...
  7. T

    Turkey with foggy and swollen eye, help!

    One of my turkeys has a foggy and swollen eye! He can't really see out of it, but it doesn't really look damaged. He is breathing fine and the other eye is okay too. He doesn't seem sick at all, besides of course, the eye. Here is a photo: Should I be worried about this? It was cold the past...
  8. Myavia

    Sexing Turkeys! 8 months old

    Hello This is my first time ever having turkeys and I am so lost with sexing mine. I started with 3 turkeys but lost one as a poult so now I just have one bourbon red and one blue slate. They are currently about 8 months old. The bourbon red is much more friendly so I have more photos of ‘him’...
  9. lunaticfishboy

    Unusual looking chick- is she a poult?

    So I recently got 2 Barred Rock chicks, and one of them looks very different from the other. Definitely not a BR then. Her eyes are more bigger then the others, her beak is a different color, shes bigger than the other, her legs are black and only toes pink, and her neck is slightly longer. I...
  10. A

    Broad breasted turkey feed

    I’m raising white broad breasted turkeys as pets. They are about 5 months old. I want to know what the best feed/grains are for them to keep them alive the longest. Currently they are eating purina layer feed for game birds. But I wanted to add some grains or other things that would be best for...
  11. Dan SC

    Dan SC

  12. merca126

    Turkey cant stand up...walk

    Hi, I have a female turkey (unsure of age) I got her after she was attacked by something last year and I honestly didnt even think she would live. She was definitely not young at this point when I got her... she looked like she had a few years on her....Some one had dropped her off at a...
  13. G

    Wheezy tom

    Hello! I have a tom and a hen and I am new to raising turkeys so far. I raised my turkeys with 2 chickens from babies. Now the issue is my tom is sounding a bit wheezy, burpy, and I swear I even heard him fart a few times, i tried to feel his crop and it just feels full of air, his appetite is...
  14. startrek4d

    Injured Turkey.. When should I take stitch out and let him free range?

    Oct 18th my Turkey was injured in its own cage.. got his leg caught and ripped a large hole in his upper thigh area. The vet had no time and I had no time to waste, so I stitched it.. he's doing quite well as far as I can tell.. its scabbed over and hes calling to get out of his "sick" cage to...
  15. beachyburrow

    Jake turning aggressive

    I don't know if aggressive is the proper word to use here, but we have a young jake who is approximately 4-5 months old and has recently started to try to chase/herd me. He is a Narragansett turkey, amd we have had him for about 11 weeks. He has always been very friendly and curious, loves...
  16. Nchucktown sc boy

    Turkey with broken leg

    I have a turkey with a leg that has been broken on the Metatarsus. The skin is roughed up and I have placed a gauze pad with antibiotic salve over it and placed a splint on the leg. I have it in a rabbit cage on it's own so it can heal. What should I do?
  17. RhymeOrReason

    Somewhat aggressive Tom, worries for the future!

    We’ve had our sweet baby Winnie for a couple months now, and for a while, he was absolutely the sweetest. Constantly begging to be held, cuddled, and would always come running any time he heard our voice from around the yard. Unfortunately, the older that he’s gotten, the more human aggression...
  18. B

    6 Month old Turkey went missing

    Hi my name is Brittany or Britt as most people call me. I'm a newish owner of 8 chickens, and 1 gorgeous turkey! They are all free range but at night they go into the coop and then every morning they are let back out. I was gone all day, (which I've done many times before) and then came home and...
  19. Chicken Quest

    |~Best Poultry Photos Contests- ENDS Sept. 15, 2022 -PRIZES!~|

    We're back with another contest! Me and @Duckpip will both be giving out prizes. Here are the leaderboards. All of my drawings will be pixel and @Duckpip digital art. @Duckpip will do goose and duck and I'll the rest! Duck Leaderboard Drawing of PFP Drawing of Entry with background Drawing of...
  20. On the road

    On the road

    Found a turkey in the road on a hot day, so it got to go for a car ride in the AC. I apologize if it belonged to you, it was just so hot outside and it seemed lost and overheated.
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