
  1. Barnyardgroupie

    Friendly turkeys?

    Is it normal to have friendly turkeys? Mine fall asleep in my lap after snack time. I’m also curious on what breed the white one is. The lady I got the eggs from said they should have only been chocolate and red bourbon. But to me it looks like I’ve got two black Spanish turkeys and a few...
  2. S

    Strange bump on Turkeys head

    I recently noticed a strange growth on both of my Turkey tom’s heads, they are hard and callous and don’t want to come off. They are acting totally normal and eating well, just wondering if anyone knows what it is and if I should be concerned? None of my hens are infected with them.
  3. Dwnuk1207

    Help with broad-breasted white turkey

    I just got my first set of broad-breasted white turkeys. They were straight-run from the local farm store. I have never had turkeys before but we have other kinds of birds on our homestead. I think it is too early to know if they are male or female, but I have noticed them doing some weird...
  4. B

    Turkeys on my car

    I have two 5 month old turkeys and they keep getting on the hood of our cars and are scratching them. Any suggestions on how to deter them or protect the car? Thanks!!
  5. coltgrizzz

    Sexing a few chicks (and a turkey)

    Got these chicks (and turkey) on March 4th so they’re around 10 weeks. Any ideas? Also I am aware #1 is bald he is recovering
  6. M

    1 week old Baby turkey continuously chirping and not eating much

    Hi All, I have a 1 week old turkey chick that hatched with its sibling and is continuously chirping not eating much. I have a brooder with other baby chicken about 1-2 weeks old too. I separated it and gave it baby vitamin mix(1-2 Drops) and sugar water/ warm yogurt. but it was chirping even...
  7. tielie135

    raising the dumbest poult?

    i swear to god this thing is going to be the death of me, got a pair heritage ridley bronze poults and i brought them home, the younger one ( about 12 hours old) took a second and figured out what to eat. the other one (about 1 or 2 days old) started eating wood shavings, after awhile of trying...
  8. E

    Broad Breasted Turkey Hock Dislocated

    My Turkey has a possible dislocation of his hock. Does anyone know if this could be fixed? He is loved very much and we don’t want to lose him. Please help if you can.
  9. tielie135

    My new tom?

    Just got some turkeys from my neighbour's. She said 3 hens and a Tom but the Tom is really odd so I am hoping maybe someone knows what's up. He is about 3 years old, ridley heritage x. He walks very upright never puffed up, drums, gobbles or shows any interest in ladies. He is smaller than any...
  10. ColeTrain425

    Help: red bourbon hen is laying down a lot won’t get up unless I get near her

    I need help my red bourbon hen is laying down a lot she won’t get up if I talk to her or two on the fence I have to go inside the fenced area and go underneath a shed/house I had built she will then get up and walk out of there but once I got out of the area she went an layed back down my...
  11. S

    Herniated Umbilical?

    I have two turkey poults who hatched last night and today, I'm worried they both have herniated umbilical as I've read up on that a bit, but this is my first time experiencing it. I'm not sure why both would have it, since all of my other hatches this month have been really good. Two weeks ago I...
  12. HeritageFan

    Incubator advice for ducks and Turkeys

    I have had ducks for a few years, and finally bought an incubator last year. I had a very low hatch rate, on my first try, but my ducks were 5 years old and I’m pretty sure that was the biggest problem w my first attempt. I was given a dozen duck eggs a few weeks ago from a friend who has the...
  13. H

    Newly broody Turkey and almost to lockdown eggs.

    So I have a 2 year old black Spanish hen that has just gone broody within the last couple of days. We do not have a tom anymore for fertile Turkey eggs to hatch and I have an incubator full of eggs due to hatch this Saturday (5 days away). If she just went broody, is it too soon to put chicken...
  14. HeritageFan

    Best breeding set up for heritage turkeys?

    I have had ducks for about 6 years, and am almost to the 1 year mark w my turkeys. No other birds or fowls before we got our first ducks. So. I consider myself a relative newbie.... although I have learned a ton! I have recently separated breeding pairs of turkeys (they decided spring had...
  15. E

    hen brooding on ceramic egg - should I kick her off the nest?

    My turkey hen got really broody the last couple of days. She only turns out about two or three eggs a week but she’ll sit on the empty nest and wait for the next one to come out. I gave her a ceramic egg to make her happy and she’s been very protective of it - this is promising to me because...
  16. E

    Blackhead?? Or just a bird that needs a bath?

    I’ve been worrying about my turkey hen because in the last few days her head has turned an even, consistent black all over - there are chickens within a quarter acre of her space, though they’re kept separate, so it’s not impossible. But she’s not acting sick or lethargic in any way. I did...
  17. Aprilxoxo

    skinny and hot turkey

    hi guys my turkey has been displaying signs of heat stress. dropped wings and panting and sleepiness over the last 2 weeks. It hasn't been overly hot and the other birds aren't acting the same. i gave her a fan and a nice shaded area to hang out in. but on a really cool day she was still doing...
  18. K

    Turkey keeps closing eyes and is very off

    We have 2 2 month old white turkeys that are out with 36 other chickens that are the same age and one is acting perfectly fine, but the other has just been moving very slow and keeps closing its eyes like it’s falling asleep, and when it does go walk around, it’s extremely slow and it’s just...
  19. Cbishop58

    Heritage turkey mating

    Hi all I have a 3 yr old Red Bourbon tom he had a friend a Brown tom to live with but a fox killed him. 8 months ago we got him a Narragansett Hen she is 2 yrs old. This is the first time he has been with a female. My question is my tom has tried to mate her twice with no success? She...
  20. The LiveOaks Homestead

    do we have a male and female?

    We have 2 heritage bronze turkeys that are now 8 weeks old. I don’t know if we have a pair male or female? I’m new here so if I’m in the wrong thread/group please tell me.
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