
  1. Joyfillednomads

    It was all planned, but we are an incubator short. Ahhh

    So I had it all planned. Lol One incubator, one crappy Styrofoam back up and as lockdown hatcher. I had both set up to incubate eggs... then our eggs got the boot from the good incubator to make way for quail eggs. So... We debated about buying another Styrofoam incubator --> but in all...
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    First turkey egg... our dog got it
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    Never expected turkey eggs in Autumn 🍂 FALL
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    Turkey eggs
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    Proud moment, turkey eggs Broad breasted bronze BBB
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    Turkey eggs Broad Breasted Bronze BBB
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    First turkey eggs First two weeks collection
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    Turkey eggs Broad breasted bronze
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    Turkey eggs Broad breasted bronze
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    Turkey eggs
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    Turkey egg awaiting incubator
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    Turkey egg Broad breasted bronze
  13. Joyfillednomads

    Broad Breasted Bronze Turkey Poults hatched

    Our Broad Breasted Bronze Turkey Poults hatched. Of the 10 eggs we had... 6 were fertilized. Two pipped and failed. One never pipped. We have 3 turkey poults. So in love with these little guys. One is quite loud, guessing that one is the girl, jenny 💃 Love these guys.
  14. Joyfillednomads

    Turkey Eggs Hatching & Poult Survival Rates

    Turkey Eggs Hatching & Poult Survival Rates We have done so much research on every type of turkey and incubating them. Anyone have any tips? We have RH Relative Humidity Guage in this particular incubator. I'm not sure how to calculate the difference between wet bulb, relative humidity, dew...
  15. Joyfillednomads

    Broad Breasted Bronze Turkey Hatching

    This batch of 10 turkey eggs, 4 were not fertilized. So of the 6 potential good ones, 2 decided to hatch on day 26. Only one egg didn't pip yet. Super EXCITED. *first turkey that hatched had splayed legs. Hoping with some TLC he'll make it.
  16. Dfarago


    My husband and I want to try out raising turkeys for meat. We prefer getting poultry that are good at incubating and raising their own. What would be the best breed to start with? Not really interested in broad breasted turkeys since they don’t really reproduce on their own and have short...
  17. JamieMcClain

    Sexing turkeys

    I’m having the hardest time sexing our two turkeys. I’m fairly certain the bourbon red is a male but go back and forth on the sweetgrass. Also can these two breeds breed eachother successfully?
  18. D


    Hello everyone! I have a less than a year old female turkey, weights less than 40 lbs that had what I believe a sinus infection, face and eyelids were inflamed and she hid on the kennel on the dark and barely responsive to noises. Gave her 2 injectable 2.5cc doses of LA 200 on her breast and...
  19. Joyfillednomads

    Assisted hatch, incubator issues

    After losing 6 eggs and 1 chick, I wanted to give up on this incubator. Something isn't right with it. But sadly either I lose the eggs or try at least. So in an effort to save 2 turkey eggs, I've been constantly checking this incubator. The heat and humidity were all wonky, and our turkey...
  20. L

    To eat a 1 year old turkey or too tough?

    We have a hen and a Tom bronze breasted turkey about a year and a few months. They were supposed to be our breeders and that was unsuccessful for many reasons. QUESTION: has anyone successfully culled and cooked/ate a turkey that age? Concerns are is the meat too tough for us and would it be a...
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