
  1. M

    Sudden Growth on Turkey's Back

    Hi all! I'm currently away at college and my family sends me updates of my pet Broad Breasted White turkey back home. Last night I was sent these pictures and told this growth showed up on his back within the day. My parents let him out in the morning with no sign of it and by the time they...
  2. Joyfillednomads

    14 turkey eggs incubating

    14 turkey eggs incubating. So over the moon excited. Not sure if they will be broad breasted bronze BBB or burbon red crosses. Our hen "Jenny" is Broad breasted bronze. One week in, our first turkey eggs ever... 28 days of waiting is S00🥚🥚🥚 L0NG🦃
  3. nikoziza

    ISO Turkey Poults

    Good Morning (again) :love I just got 3 baby red bourbon babies and I love them so so so much. I would love to purchase some Blue Slate, Narragansett, Black Spanish, Chocolate, or really any other turkeys. I have just fallen in love with them, I think they're so cute. Please let me know of...
  4. Austinb1395

    What breed are these White Turkeys?

    Can someone tell me if my turkeys are heritage or bbb? This is my first year raising them. I bought them from Tsc on April 9th and they told me they were Broad Breasted. Well they’re like 25 weeks old now and I haven’t weighed them but they’re probably like 15 pounds maybe. They free range our...
  5. A

    Help my neighbors dog attacked my chicken!!!

    Help! I pulled in my driveway and saw my neighbors dog (who has attacked/killed 2 of my chickens previously) in my yard! I jumped out of the car and got the dog away and I found my turkey laying on the ground barely breathing. I got him up and he’s breathing really fast. He has an open wound on...
  6. T

    So I have histomoniasis (blackhead) in my turkeys...

    We are new to turkeys this year. I promised my wife after we moved and had space, I would get her turkeys. We settled on wanting heritage breeds and chose to go with the Narragansett. We bought 3 birds that were supposed to be 8 weeks or so old and put them in a new 19x11 pen on Aug 3rd. about a...
  7. Lordofthegreenpeas

    Turkey can't walk

    My broad breasted turkey just started to not be able to walk. I was planning on eating him but I want to make sure this isn't some sickness. She can walk a little but than falls over. Video Video for backyard chickens. Turkey can't walk https://www.instagram.com/p/CTcZ4M4nPeW/?utm_medium=share_sheet
  8. D1TrueGod

    Tom Turkey with Broken Tail Feathers

    I have a Bourbon Red Tom that's pushing two-years-old. I noticed a while back that his tail feathers were breaking off. This does not appear to be regular molting. He's the only Tom in the coop and there are only a small number of much smaller roosters. I'm at a loss for what's causing it...
  9. DesertPollos

    Turkey integration trouble with chickens - injured

    I integrated my new broad breasted white into my chicken flock (all hens) last week. I have 10 hens. The turkey is a girl too. Getting along was great the first several days, but now they’ve turned on her. Her wing was injured yesterday and she has a few bloody peck marks on her neck. Is this...
  10. P

    Unusual turkey behavior (with video)

    Well, looks like my second thread is also a cry for help. My 1 year old turkey tom started doing this weird pumping motion with his head about 3 weeks ago. We've already called the vet when it started, and he says there's nothing wrong with him, although the tom didn't do this behavior in front...
  11. E

    My Turkey Is Having Breathing Problems

    My turkey had been sick for a bit but I was able to help him right away. He first was always laying around and breathing through his mouth and his stool wasn't normal, i figured he had worms so as i was looking for some ways i could try to get rid of the worms i found putting garlic or cilantro...
  12. Khaki campbell, white layer ducks and Royal Palm, blue slate Turkey - $20

    Khaki campbell, white layer ducks and Royal Palm, blue slate Turkey - $20

    - 10 white layers $20.00 each - lots of khaki campbell $20.00 each - 4 Royal palm Turkey $25.00 each - lots of Blue slate Turkey $25.00 each - white layers are 10 months old and are laying eggs. - khaki campbells are 10 months old and are laying lots of eggs - Royal palm Turkey are 4 months old...
  13. A

    Khaki campbell, white layer, blue slate Turkey, white royal palm Turkey

    - 10 white layers $20.00 each - lots of khaki campbell $20.00 each - 4 Royal palm Turkey $25.00 each - lots of Blue slate Turkey $25.00 each - white layers are 10 months old and are laying eggs. - khaki campbells are 10 months old and are laying lots of eggs - Royal palm Turkey are 4 months old...
  14. H

    Turkey Laid Eggs Early

    We have turkeys that we got at the beginning of March and I just found 2 eggs out there. We got them for meat but there are 3 males and 2 females and they have definitely been mating from time to time. I thought it was way early for eggs so I'm thinking they may be fertile? Is there a way to...
  15. PiedPiperDucklings

    Turkey Poult Sick?

    I have a 3 week old (I think?) turkey poult and I'm concerned! They keep their neck tucked in, and the few times they've stretched it they start doing this gagging/swallowing movement? I tried giving them water, but that didn't help. Their crop is full, and they're sleeping standing up. I just...
  16. ChickensAreMyPassion

    My turkey just had a big seizure and survived, what do I do now?

    Hello! My mother had gotten me a few bbw poults a few months ago to be pets (bad idea, I know) and one of my boys had recently fallen ill. Yesterday he wasn’t moving very much so I removed him from his little flock and had him caged. This morning, he wouldn’t stand, so I brought him inside so I...
  17. Maiahr

    The hen who wanted to be a turkey

    This year one of my turkeys went broody for the first time. She chose a nest in the coop and I put 13 eggs under her. Every day a chicken hen would lay an egg in the same nest where the turkey was, even though there were other free nests. 3 days before hatching day the chicken hen decided she...
  18. m1chelle1

    Turkey with blackhead, unsure how to proceed...

    Hello all, My 4 month old rescue turkey Jasper (BBB) has blackhead, I believe (yellow stools, lethargic, weak). He was very lethargic yesterday and was in bad shape last night. Was looking so bad I was sure he wouldnt make it. I gave him water with poultry vitamins through a syringe for the...
  19. M

    Sickly turkey

    I have two Black Spanish turkeys, both are almost three months old (give or take a few days), and one of them is behaving very differently than usual. She’s moving slowly, her tail is drooping, her poop is green and white and it’s watery too. She isn’t trying to get away from me when I go to...
  20. T

    Young turkey sick please help!

    We have a young Tom that seems dizzy/unbalanced since yesterday. His tail feathers seem a bit unkept. He has been eating grass seeds in our field and did seem to eat okay this morning. We can’t figure out what could be going on. He is on a property that has ducks, chickens, goats, and pigs. Our...
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