••• 2008 Coop Page Contest - Win A $20 BYC Gift Certificate - ENDED

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Beautiful job, twigg!

Coop Page Contest Submissions as of 3/30/08


patandchickens' Tractor...by patandchickens, pg. 1 post # 5

Little Coop on the Prairie...by new2chickens, pg. 1, post # 8

Playhouse Coop...by Dawn419, pg. 2 post # 14

The Chicken Coop...by twigg, pg. 3, post # 22

The Main Chicken House...by ThreeBoysChicks, pg. 4, post # 32

The Silkie Chalet...by ThreeBoysChicks, pg. 4, post # 32

Post-Brooder Coop...by Dawn419, pg. 5, post # 45

My Coop Design...by BigYin, pg. 6, post #51


gina99mark's Coop...by gina99mark, pg. 4, post # 31

chiknmama's Coop...by chiknmama, pg. 5, post # 43

The Red Barn: Once Upon A Horse Stall...by LynnP, pg. 5, post # 48


Our Coop/Hen House and Run...by Gregg'sEggs, pg. 4, post # 34

The Chicken Garden...by FrontPorchIndiana, pg. 6, post # 57


Okay, posted above are the coops that have been entered so far.

I have a favor to ask of everyone...please...double check me (I will do the same) to make sure I have your links correct as well as having your submission under the proper size category! Reply here if you find that I've made an OOPS!

Thanks in advance!!!

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I added some more stuff to the coop - hubby and I built a brooder cage/box in there today. I'll take pics and have them up on the site tomorrow.

In a month or so I'm also adding a trellis to the side of the run with a climbing rose to go up it. They need shade, anyway, and I figure it'll look nice, too.

Peace -
Meriah (I'll post tomorrow after the pics are on the site.)
That's a great set-up for your chickens. And purchasing a shed is NOT cheating.... you're simply helping the economy.

The coop looks really nice, also. Your chickens must be very happy about their new digs.

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