••• 2008 Coop Page Contest - Win A $20 BYC Gift Certificate - ENDED

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Great job and great coops everyone!!!!
In another thread someone mentioned their coop wasn't "pretty enough" for the coop design contest.

I want to be very clear that the goal of this contest isn't so much about getting pretty coops as it is about getting as many different coop designs as possible posted up on the site.

So, even if you don't have a "pretty coop" and aren't interested in it being entered into the contest, please still create a coop design pages for the site and the community to benefit from!
opiyfz450 I love the storage idea...our roof line is tall enough to do that..but I keep telling GopherBoy I want my OWN area up there so i can sleep out there with the girl...ok, so our whole family is crazy....we just fly our crazy flags in different ways
We're busting our tails but there's no way we'll get our coop done this weekend. We'll have to withdraw from the contest and maybe you'll have another one next year.
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