“Let Me Sing You the Song of My People...”

Before I shipped two of my Serama boys off, the three would get together and practice their crowing together. Jet started first, and was pretty good. Copper was really weak on the finish at first, then got that down but kept screeching the middle. Scotch was okay with the first part, then sounded like he was trying to gargle - or purr.
All my young roosters are starting to crow, so I've got 3 2 year olds and currently 4 youngsters making noise lol.

So my neighbour who lives quite close for country living drives in gets out and says "I've got to talk to you about your rooster"

Im thinking o no this is not good .....

"You can never get rid of them, I just love hearing to them, such beautiful sounds"

Thank goodness, because Im not getting did of them LoL.
Love the sound of your cockerel. They're especially charming when they sound like a clown car. My "across the street" neighbor used to stand at the end of the driveway and crow at my rooster. I thought he was expressing his displeasure at the noise created by "the jail house boys". When culling day came, and the cacophony ceased, and only "Jack" was left to serenade the girls, my neighbor asked what happened to the roosters, b/c "he missed their crowing".
I have 1 alpha Male about year old and, now down to, 3 more coming of age that im slowly enjoying im many dishes.... my yard is full crowing.... thank God the neighbors on one side are deaf, the other side is always out of town and a bachelor, born and raised on a ranch, and the lot behind me is empty
I rely on my roo to let me know that all is well first thing in the morning. I often find myself waking up with a start if he is later than about 5.00am and I lie there waiting for him to sound off. :)
I rely on my roo to let me know that all is well first thing in the morning. I often find myself waking up with a start if he is later than about 5.00am and I lie there waiting for him to sound off. :)

So far, LJ starts right around 6:25am... We are in a holler (valley), so sunrise is always later than for the flatlanders.

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