“Share Helpful Backyard Poultry TIPS” a Random Posting CONTEST Thread ~ Hosts, Mike & Sally

oh and this is what I was saying a while ago about cutting milk jugs for over feed and waterers

"Barrel Brooders"

Brooder, Part 1

Brooder, Part 2

Brooder. Part 3

Brooder, Part 4



Quote: Originally Posted by SilverHair

Grower Guidelines for Poultry and Fowl Processing Bottom of post post #38384

In order to schedule the processing of your
birds, it is necessary to estimate the
approximate processing date based on your
target live weight. Any reliable scale
can provide a live weight of a bird or fo
wl provided that the animal has minimal
movement when weighing. A small cage or crate
can be used. Be sure to tare or zero
out the scale or subtract the weight of the ca
ge or crate only from the weight of the
crate and bird to get net weight of the bird.
Dressed weights are about 75% of live weight
. Most chicken is processed at a 4.5
pounds live weight, and this varies accord
ing to the meat product desired. The
following dressed weights are what
can generally be expected:

Cornish Game Hen 1.5 pounds

Fryer, broiler 3 to 4 pounds

Roaster 5 to 6 pounds

Stewing hen 6+ pounds

December 2007 page 4 of 25
For example:
Crate + bird weight 6.7 pounds
Crate weight 2.3 pounds
Net weight of bird 4.4 pounds
Estimated dressed weight 4.4 x 0.75 = 3.3 pounds
Both the breed of bird and the method
of chilling affect the dressed weight. For
example, water chilled Cornish X’s may be
75%; whereas, air-chilled Cornish X’s
may be 72%. An air chilled heritage bird or
other slow growing bird may be 68-70%.
Exact determination of carcass weight ratios
can only be determined by experience,
and growers who have clients with very sp
ecific weight requirements should keep
this in mind.
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My tip is flock with other chicken crazy people. I have a neighbor who also raises chickens so we tend to help each other out with tips and hatching eggs ect... I guess my tip is be neighborly to those who are as chicken crazy as you are.
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Nope we even candle eggs and get each others opinion on the air cell size, what they might be (we have several different breeds) ect...it's a lot of fun having someone so close to chat with about your obsession.

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Hawks CAN kill through chicken wire. One peck and the pullet is gone :(


FOGHORN LEGHORN~ "Lookit here son, I say, I say son, did ya see that hawk after those hens? ....

A few Ideas and suggestions:

Hang shiny or glittering things in the trees, CD’s & pie pans to reflect the sun and scare them away!
Mylar baloons, left tied out at various heights above the run.
Disco Balls on rope so it spins and moves.
Car Lot Sale Tassel Banners.
Mylar emergency blankets cut.
A feisty 5'2" crazy chicken lady that packs heat. (me)

Adult Roosters will attack to save its hens.
Best breed Roo would be a game rooster.
A good dog who is "worth it's salt"
Driveway Alert System $20+
Crows attack hawks but not sure I would raise them

Create a “Spider-Web” run cover w/ monofilament fishing line!
Hang Scare-Crows or Fake Owls/crows!
Half-full plastic bottles or CDs hung up in trees.
Keep feeders under overhang.
Play a local talk show on the Radio and broadcast it from the coop! Or a CROW soundtrack!
Hang Fluorescent vests, or put on scare crow.
Add pallets or other items to add more shelter.
BTW If you watched that video above, the last will make you chuckle.
Cunning Farmers in Tanzania are outwitting hawks by dying their chickens PINK & PURPLE! No really they are!! https://www.dfid.gov.uk/What-we-do/Research-and-evidence/case-studies/research-case-studies/2011/Farmers-in-Tanzania-paint-chickens-/

NOT one method will work, use several methods but keep rotating things and using different props!

Informative Link...
Hawk and Owl Damage Management
Damage Prevention and Control Methods

At this link you will find some GREAT ideas, some practicle and some are not.

a variety of exploding or noise-making devices.
Break out the 12 gauge shotgun because here come the"shell crackers"!
" http://www.westernwildlifecontrol.com/12-gauge--shell-cracke12.html
Trapping and Relocating
A landowner must obtain a permit from the US Fish and Wildlife Service and usually the local state wildlife to trap any hawk or owl that is causing damage. Trapping is usually permitted only after other nonlethal techniques have failed.


I know that the right thing to do is to cover my run
with poultry netting or wire so that I know my birds are 100% safe from predators. However, I choose to create huge runs in the woods for my poultry so they can experience the fun of scratching, dust bathing, digging in roots and so on. So I have to be WELL prepared for the occasional flying predator and know that sooner or later I will loose some of my prize flock. But at least I have a "game plan"!

I say I say son..... I have a game plan and that ain't no joke!

HAWK MIGRATION CHART.... I am pretty sure this site has timeline information

Hawk Mountain and raptor science.
Why do migrating raptors concentrate at Hawk Mountain?​

Hawk Moutain straddles the Kittatinny Ridge or Blue Mountain, a 300-mile-long, prominent ridge that extends from 60 miles north of New York City to 20 miles west of Chambersburg, Pennsylvania.

Adding information as we go!

I ran into this.....

Assistance From Other Animalshttp://voices.yahoo.com/keeping-hawks-away-chickens-7003038.html?cat=7
Guinea hens may be noisy, but they are an excellent alarm system. Any predator that makes an appearance in your yard will be cause for a great deal of squawking. The guineas themselves are generally too large a target for most hawks, and so are not often taken.
Dogs can't be everywhere at once, but they can help. Some say pot bellied pigs make decent deterrents as well.
Keep in mind that domestic animals used in keeping hawks away have their own needs that must be met. However, purple martins do not require our help and can be encouraged to stay in an area with gourd nests. These birds sometimes chase off hawks en masse in order to protect their young and have the added feature of eating mosquitoes.

Bald Eagle Wind Spinner

We all ready have one of these balls, also has silver shiny stringers that you attach that blow in the wind.... http://www.amazon.com/Bird-X-SE-PAC-Scare-Balloon-3-Pack/dp/B000QUWTS0/ref=cm_cr_pr_sims_t


Tangle Guard Bird Repeller Ribbon
A space age holographic ribbon that provides economical and humane spot control for nuisance birds.


PNWHEELS!! you can even make them!
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