“Share Helpful Backyard Poultry TIPS” a Random Posting CONTEST Thread ~ Hosts, Mike & Sally

I haven't had a chance to read this whole thread, so I"m not sure if this has been suggested.

We stop in the local grocery stores and go to the produce section. We ask for any of the scrap produce they have, to feed our chickens. They gave us a box of red lettuce the other day (probably 20 heads), they have given us bell peppers, apples, peaches, broccoli, tomatoes etc. It's whatever they have on hand at the time you go. They now save stuff for us.

When you are looking for treats for them, you can't beat free!!

Oh wow, never thought about the stores. I do go to the stands come fall. They usually have a melon or two. Watermelon, or Cantalope. Will have to ask at the stores! This would be great for the winter!! All those greens.
Sally, thanks for posting those ideas on how to separate chicks in the bator. I had asked earlier in the HAL..someone mentioned the strawberry holders..I pictured the little green baskets. When I went to the store, I didn't see the little green baskets, but those big clear plastic containers. That would work too, because they are well vented. Ha..wonder when the last time it was that I saw a little green basket?
Not sure what everyone uses for splay legs or cutled toes..but I make booties out of black electrical tape. Yes, I said electrical tape. Believe it or not, it's easy to put on, and it comes off easy too! Not sure why it comes off easy, but it does.

I trim to make it round.

I pull the tape out and cut it in half to make a strip for the splay legs. This little one just had some bad toes..or toe on one foot.
Not sure what everyone uses for splay legs or cutled toes..but I make booties out of black electrical tape. Yes, I said electrical tape. Believe it or not, it's easy to put on, and it comes off easy too! Not sure why it comes off easy, but it does.

I trim to make it round.

I pull the tape out and cut it in half to make a strip for the splay legs. This little one just had some bad toes..or toe on one foot.
One of my chicks had curled toes, I used vet wrap cut to fit the foot. This works!
Sally, thanks for posting those ideas on how to separate chicks in the bator. I had asked earlier in the HAL..someone mentioned the strawberry holders..I pictured the little green baskets. When I went to the store, I didn't see the little green baskets, but those big clear plastic containers. That would work too, because they are well vented. Ha..wonder when the last time it was that I saw a little green basket?
the market baskets?

these fruit containers you may have to add more holes .....


Not sure what everyone uses for splay legs or cutled toes..but I make booties out of black electrical tape. Yes, I said electrical tape. Believe it or not, it's easy to put on, and it comes off easy too! Not sure why it comes off easy, but it does. I trim to make it round. I pull the tape out and cut it in half to make a strip for the splay legs. This little one just had some bad toes..or toe on one foot.
Do ya tape em to the floor ? :gig jk great idea. Thanks
Yes Sally, I could see that ..should have said! I ended up not needing it. Only had three eggs from a guy who got a hen and a rooster from someone. Not sure why his eggs quit..all of mine but one are still going strong..and 9 of someone Else's. Not sure about his rooster. ?? And/or, he may have washed the eggs before I told him not to.

Anyway, don't need this thing now. You found some green little baskets!

Looking closer here, mine has a lot more holes in it than this one. But I still thought I should put more.

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Don't know if anyone posted any of these but here are some toy and treat ideas (none of these are my pictures):

1.Put a head of cabbage in an old onion bag.
Hang the bag somewhere for the birds at head level.
Watch them violently attack the cabbage with no regard for their own safety.

2.Find a plastic ball with holes in it (dog and cat toys like this easy to find)
Stuff the ball with treats like apple, lettuce, peas, etc.
give the ball filled with treats to the chickens
Let them peck at it and chase it. It is the funniest thing, watching a chicken run...

3. Mint has natural cooling abilities.
freeze some in ice cubes along with some fruit if you like
Make sure to add a string in them before they completely freeze.
once done, hang them in the run for a cooling treat when it is hot out.

4.put mealworms in old spice or cheese shakers for easy access
sprinkle little bits at a time to give to your birds
Yes, it is that easy

I am done now.:D

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