《Human After All》A Role Play

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Thomas waited for whomever he was interrogating to arrive. He examined all of the things he had brought, and actually didn't hope she immediately gave him information. Not all of this had been tested on the human body, and he was curious for the reaction. He doubted it would kill her, and he wouldn't try unless they wanted him to, but he still wanted to know what happened when any of these were injected into a more complicated being.
Jaxson watched Artemis closely to make sure she didn't try anything as they walked. He kept his free hand on the handle of his taser as he steered her down the hall, taking a right towards an elevator. He pressed his hand against a panel, much like the one in the cell, and the doors opened. Once they were on and the doors closed securely, he loosened his grip slightly. "Why are you here?" He asked suddenly. It was a harmless question, just something he liked to ask the majority of prisoners he was required to take for interrogations. He was never given any info about the prisoners besides their names, and sometimes not even that, so he liked to ask questions on the otherwise silent elevator rides.

Artemis was careful to not evoke Jaxson's anger, as she noticed his readiness to taser her if she did. Artemis looked him in the eye after the elevator doors closed and answered him in complete honesty: "I am spy for the Contenders. It took your superiors a surprisingly long time to realize my loyalty did not belong to them, but now that I'm imprisoned they think that will change. But my loyalties will be for peace among both races until my death."
Thomas waited for whomever he was interrogating to arrive. He examined all of the things he had brought, and actually didn't hope she immediately gave him information. Not all of this had been tested on the human body, and he was curious for the reaction. He doubted it would kill her, and he wouldn't try unless they wanted him to, but he still wanted to know what happened when any of these were injected into a more complicated being.
(Wow. That dude is so scary.)
Artemis was careful to not evoke Jaxson's anger, as she noticed his readiness to taser her if she did. Artemis looked him in the eye after the elevator doors closed and answered him in complete honesty: "I am spy for the Contenders. It took your superiors a surprisingly long time to realize my loyalty did not belong to them, but now that I'm imprisoned they think that will change. But my loyalties will be for peace among both races until my death."
"Your death may come sooner than you realize if you take that attitude to your interrogation," Jaxson said solemnly. "I hear Thomas Mythe—or Dr. Myth; I'm not exactly sure what they call him—is keen in regards to tortue."
(No, no, I'm being serious. But shouldn't you, as the Queen of Sarcasm, be able to detect it as well as you use it yourself? XD )
(Well, that sentence sounded so serious that I thought you were being sarcastic. That doesn't make sense, now that I think about it. :p)
"Your death may come sooner than you realize if you take that attitude to your interrogation," Jaxson said solemnly. "I hear Thomas Mythe—or Dr. Myth; I'm not exactly sure what they call him—is keen in regards to tortue."

"I come from a family who secrets were taken to their graves." Artemis denounced in a low, threatening tone. "They never broke when tortured, and neither will I."
"I come from a family who secrets were taken to their graves." Artemis denounced in a low, threatening tone. "They never broke when tortured, and neither will I."
Jaxson nodded slowly as the elevator stopped. Just to irk her, he had avoided making eye contact. But now he turned slightly and, meeting her gaze, said quietly, "Your determination is admirable, commendable even, but you might want to keep it in check if you wish to live to help your cause." He then straightened, preparing to exit.

"Well hello." Vanessa, who had been awaiting him, met them with a thin smile as the doors opened.

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