1 of 6 roosting on the coop

Jul 20, 2018
Good evening all,

We have 6 hens (2 EE, 2 RIR, 2 BA) that are all around 5 1/2 months. They've been out in their living area (coop + covered run + 250 sq. foot fenced in area) for about 2 1/2 months now. They all took to the coop pretty easily when we moved them out but we occasionally had a straggler or two that opted to roost on the top of the coop I assume either because of the added height or a pecking order issue as they settled in for the night. We'd take them down and wander them into the coop and make sure they got on a roost and then closed them up for the night. We haven't had much of an issue with it except for one of the Rhode Island Reds that opts to try and roost up there about 1 out of every 3 nights or so. We put the "bird be gone" type plastic spike strips on the roofs of the coop to try and keep them off in general as their coop is in close proximity to the fence and we don't want them escaping anyways but she makes her way up there at night somehow and nestles in between the spike strips. Is there a way to get her consistently roosting in the coop? Help...
Try adding another perch in the pen. This usually helps with roosting problems like this. Good luck!
Jessie, my wife has suggested that very same thing but I'm concerned about the logistics of that inside the coop. The coop we have has two perches each about 4 feet long so with them perched 4 on one and 2 on the other or 3 and 3 (those are their usual configurations) they seem to have plenty of room. I'm concerned that if I add a third perch it would become cramped in there. I would have to remove the two and re space them to add a third in the line because I can't go lower (would be the same height as their nesting boxes) and I can't put on higher (way to close to the roof of the coop and wouldn't allow for proper ventilation in the winter).

Am I right in my assessment? Am I overthinking it and I should just add the third perch?

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