
Sep 18, 2021
I just got 9 Australorp chicks that are about a week old. (Yay) but all of them have solid poop stuck on their feet. Will it come off on its own or do I need to remove it and if so how?
My first batch of chicks never had this.
They’re also all just sleeping haven’t seen any eat or drink yet at what point should I worry?
You can just wet a paper towel and gently clean their feet.
How long have you had them? They're probably not eating because they're stressed. Give them some time to adjust to their new environment.
Okay will try that once they’re a bit more settled. I’ve had them about 2 hours now. So I’m probably just over thinking it. (Haha😅)
I always dip a couple chick beaks in the water when I first get them. I have never had them take a couple hours to eat and drink. I don't know if that's why.
Side note: they might get poop stuck to their butt feathers and that will need to be removed right away. I wouldn't worry about their feet but pasty butt can become a real problem and keep them from being able to poop. If it happens, just take a paper towel wet with warm water, hold the chick in one hand and gently soak the poop off. Try not to pull out the feathers out but sometimes it's inevitable. Just take it slow and try not to get the chick wet.
I always dip a couple chick beaks in the water when I first get them. I have never had them take a couple hours to eat and drink. I don't know if that's why.
Side note: they might get poop stuck to their butt feathers and that will need to be removed right away. I wouldn't worry about their feet but pasty butt can become a real problem and keep them from being able to poop. If it happens, just take a paper towel wet with warm water, hold the chick in one hand and gently soak the poop off. Try not to pull out the feathers out but sometimes it's inevitable. Just take it slow and try not to get the chick wet.
Thanks. I’ve had them about 24 hours now and they are a lot happier eating and drinking. So far all buts are clean. Gonna try clean their feet in a couple hours. I think they were just a bit extra stressed cause they’re already a week old and not used to people.

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