1 week old duclking

He is still with the other 8 ducklings. If they eat the oatmeal or molasses will it make them sick?
He is still with the other 8 ducklings. If they eat the oatmeal or molasses will it make them sick?
I don't think it would harm them I feed whole oats to my ducks and have fed them reg oatmeal too. Since feeding him with the other though I would leave out the molasses just mix the ground oatmeal into their feed . If he's eating good he'll get it along with the rest. and as long as it's fine like their feed they won't need grit. Always make sure they have fresh water close by ducks need water to help wash down their food.
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If your duck has an intestinal obstruction, here is a website I found where a woman details what happened to her pet duck who had that problem. Her duck died because its intestines burst.


She says to get your duck to intake some mineral oil to free the impaction...so...is there any way you could get some mineral oil (plain and unscented) into your duck? I would also try that silver solution...it'll stop the backed-up intestine from becoming infected in the meantime. Perhaps your duck wasn't drinking enough and got dehydrated, causing his intestines to become impacted. Same thing can happen to people...that's why they sell those Fleet mineral oil enemas.
Bunnybuck, the comments on the webpage re duck with intestinal blockage say to not give your duck any food,,,here's her advice to somebody who made a comment that her duck named Calvin is impacted:

Please take little Calvin to the vet ASAP. Tell them you suspect intestinal blockage and, if it is blockage, eating may cause rupture. That was the mistake I made. If I knew what I knew now I would have had the exploratory surgery done sooner. It was the only way. Also, I would have given some mineral oil. Please let me know what the vet says, but remember that intestinal blockage, like Clyde's, that is plant matter will NOT show on an xray.
Sadly, I am reporting that little Peanut died this morning. He was so cute and tiny, and died peacefully. Thanks for all the advice. The other 8 are growing like weeds! They are all so much fun to play and hold :) Thanks again.
So sorry to read about Peanut
So sorry, it's always tough, especially when they're so tiny and helpless. We had an order of 12 pekin day olds in early April and 11 arrived dead, so...but you had a chance to grow attached, it is heartbreaking, but the poor fellow probably had a defect of some sort from the start,and there was nothing more you could do. You got some good advice here, and useful info for others with similar problems. Maybe the hatchery will make good on it, or give you a credit for next order. They're usually pretty good about this stuff. Glad to hear the others are doing so well, and now you know if any show signs of similar problems, you know what to do. Think at this point you are safe

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