1 Year Old Wyandotte Can't Hold her head up suddenly- UPDATED with happy ending šŸ˜

Good Morning! Update on Penny Marshall.. she is awake and more alert than yesterday, continues to poop normally and even laid an egg last night! I will keep fluids, feed and vitamins up today. She has regained more strength and is upright. I gave her vitamin e this morning and the b complex. She had 6 ML of sugar water and is eating her feed (a soupy mash) this morning. She also just laid another egg, so we are hopeful. Heading out to get the charcoal shortly.

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She sounds much better.
She is heading in the right direction, probably not out of the woods yet, but slow and steady wins the race here. I will continue to keep you updated. Thanks for all the advice, hugs and well wishes for Penny! You all continue to make the world a much better place for us humans with their chickens ā¤ļø
So Penny really has seemed to regress in the overnight sadly. She is finding it difficult to keep her balance and her neck is not as straight as yesterday. I have given her the vitamin e and b complex this morning along with some sugar water. I wonder if she is not getting enough food and it may be time to tube feed her...

Did you give her the activated charcoal? If not do so.

Then try what I just gave my recovering sick hen. Boil up some rice. You will probably need to hit the health food grocery for keifer, millet, flax seed, and millet and tofu. It happens to be stuff I always have, but it's well worth your time to buy it. A change of menu can really make a difference for a sick chicken. Right now, just crack a raw egg over the hot rice. This may interest her in eating.

For tubing, I use raw egg, water, Nutri-drench, some uncooked baby cereal or Cream of Wheat to make a semi-liquid concoction. Be sure it's warmed to body temp. Make about half a cup.

I wrap the patient in a bath towel to confine wings. I wrap my arm around her and pry open her beak. Then, holding the beak open, slide the tube into the chicken's right side of her beak, going slightly under the side of the tongue and then down into the crop all the way. Close the beak on the tube.

Fill the syringe and insert it in the tube. Force the food into the tube slowly. Refill the syringe and repeat until the crop is full.

If the tube pops out, rewrap the hen and reinsert the tube, and proceed again.

This shows where the tube goes. This shows a syringe, but the tube is the same.

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