10 weeks old chickens randomly eating feathers


In the Brooder
Jun 11, 2015
I have 9 10 weeks old chicks who randomly eat feathers. These are just feathers that have fallen off and I haven't noticed them pecking a each other. It seems they're molting which I've read is normal at this age. I've also read that this could be due to lack of protein and I still have them on Chick Starter feed. What can I do to add some extra protein? Should I also be giving them Feather Fix feed?

Hello :frow and welcome to BYC!

Around ten weeks, they begin their second molt before they get their adult feathers. I never put my chicks on anything special during this time, they do fine without it. They do sometimes eat feathers for some reason. Good luck. :)
Looks to me that you do not have a problem, just an observation. Your chickens on starter can be on that feed for the rest of their life. Only issues that would arise is when they start to lay.. You can choose layer feed or supplement their calcium need with crushed oyster shells. You can use grower feed now but mostly used by peeps raising broilers. It is just fine to use for dual purpose as well. The ingredients are slightly different but not by much.. Read the label on the bags and compare amounts, and you can see the difference. I have seen my chickens pick up loose feathers and eat them. Never had anything bad as a result. The most important is that they are not picking the feathers off your weaker chickens.. Once on the ground, it is free for all .

MY CHICKENS ARE 12 WEEKS OLD THEY LOVE RICE COOKED OF COURSE BEANS CARROTS AND ESPECIALLY CORN . THEY ALSO LOVE THEIR SCRATCH AND MIXED WITH TH GROWING FOOD I GOT THEM WHEN I FIRST INHERETED THEM . IS IT OK TO FEED THEM hu man food like rice they will eat just about anything it seems. i have grown very fond of them and i dont want to do anything to hurt them .any input is greatly appreciated i am a city boy 65 years old and now i live in the country and i love it .i can grown agarden have my dogs and now chickens wow life is good and they are so visiouly entertaining watching them chase each other after apiece of cheese and how do i keep them from flying so high .
MY CHICKENS ARE 12 WEEKS OLD THEY LOVE RICE COOKED OF COURSE BEANS CARROTS AND ESPECIALLY CORN . THEY ALSO LOVE THEIR SCRATCH AND MIXED WITH TH GROWING FOOD I GOT THEM WHEN I FIRST INHERETED THEM . IS IT OK TO FEED THEM hu man food like rice they will eat just about anything it seems. i have grown very fond of them and i dont want to do anything to hurt them .any input is greatly appreciated i am a city boy 65 years old and now i live in the country and i love it .i can grown agarden have my dogs and now chickens wow life is good and they are so visiouly entertaining watching them chase each other after apiece of cheese and how do i keep them from flying so high .
You are having almost as much fun with your chickens as I am.
Feed them as you are doing. I do as you and my chickens live long lives. ( LONGEST LIVED 13, AND MY OLDEST CURRENT ONE IS 9 1/2) Must be doing something right. !!! I have chicken feed available to them all the time.. They prefer my GOOD STUFF. The processed feed is GOOD but it is a science diet. It is intended to get the most out of your chickens, best egg production, and IDEAL cost ratio. If the egg production farms were feeding their layers like you and I, FIRST, their laying would not be as great, And SECOND, their bottom line $$$ would be in the RED. I keep mine as PETS only and if they don't lay so well??? so let it be. I get more eggs than I can eat. The extras I ONLY GIVE AWAY, AND DO NOT SELL..
The chickens would benefit from some scrambled eggs to boost their protein - you want the scrambled so the chicks don't recognize it as egg. To many treats and goodies from the kitchen can, turn them off to the nutritionally balanced chick feed. Treats should not make up more than 10% of their diet.

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