100 Pictures of My Flock (Pic Heavy!)

You have a beautiful flock! I once set out to do that, too... get photo's of my birds... Would've finished if I didn't leave my camera in Galveston bay!!!
My favorites had to be "DUN DUN DUN Banty" and "Chicken Prints".

Over the last weekend, my brother and I set up the tent in the chicken yard. Cricket, one of our barred rocks, was very interested in the tent. We let her in once and she left us a lovely, err, gift. Right on the floor. Right where my sleeping bag was going to be for the night. So I cleaned it up and we gave her the boot. At first, everything was okay. She went out into the wooded part of the run to scratch for a little while.

After relaxing in the tent some time, I took the camera out and I was taking pictures of the girls doing their thing when I spotted what appeared to be 86. a hen on a mission:

Yes, Cricket definitely knew where she was going.

So I followed her back toward the tent, where she spent some time peering longingly inside. Thus began our (second) adventure into 17. camping with chickens:

"C'mon, guys, it was just one time! I won't do it again!"

We gave in at long last and gave her a second chance.



"Now, let's get this party started!"

She invited her friends, but none were brave enough to enter.

"C'mon, Skua, what are you, chicken?!"

All was well until... 73. EVIDENCE!:

So Cricket was once again booted and the door to the tent was closed. My brother and I spent some time playing with my camera (but those pictures are too scary to share), at least until we heard a pecking at the door.

"Please? I promise I won't do it again..!"

But my brother and I were tired of cleaning up her gifts. Cricket was forced to sleep in the coop that night instead of in our super-cool tent.

Last night, as the girls were heading to roost, I spotted 78. a strange pairing on the roosts:

Wynne the Easter-egger and Frankie the silver Sebright--BEST FRIENDS FOREVER. :love

That wasn't all, though. Diana and Merlin were making their own strange pairing:

"I could just sink right into your beard, Merl..."

Before long, it was 6. chicken bed-time, where I captured a few snoozing chicken pictures:



"Will you just let us sleep already?!"
What a great project! My list of 100 things for the summer is not nearly so fun. It usually includes things like [ ] scrape the moss off the roof, [ ] weed the ditch, [ ] clean out the gutters, [ ] build a garden, [ ] clean out the garage, [ ] find a place for more compost, [ ] weed the garden, [ ] oh wait - PLANT the garden, [ ] mow, [ ] mow, [ ] mow some more, [ ] paint the shed, [ ] weed the ditch again. I'm going to have to change my way of thinking and figure out something purely fun to mix in there. Thanks for the inspiration!
I am asking permission since this was your idea and it sounds completly wonderful,l I was wondering if I could do the same but change some of the q's because I dont have guineas.
Darling pictures. I love the DUN DUN DUN Banty hahahaha.

And the sleeping chickens.

And the evidence. Lol!!!

Looking forward to more pictures!
I want to thank y'all for all the nice comments so far and let ya know that I have some pictures ready, but in light of this morning's tragedy, I don't have the energy to type up much of a post.

Harli50: If you (or really anyone) wants to try doing this same project, I don't mind. :) I have one request, though, and that's that some of the themes are changed. Some of them are pretty specific to my flock and may be impossible for you to get, but a lot of them occur in pretty much any flock and so I can understand keeping some of them the same. At any rate, if anyone does try this out for themselves, good luck with it! ;) It's been pretty fun thus far.

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