100 Pictures of My Flock (Pic Heavy!)

Since no one was willing to pose for a right proper portrait, it's time for 5. the Fluff-Butt Championships!!

The youngsters wanted to enter this year, but the competition is tough.

Diana has some fluff, but is it enough?

Her sister, Cricket has a bit more floof:

But Debra Jo has just the right shape:

A surprise entrant, Scooter the Sebright. But Sebrights have hardly any fluff! Disqualified!

Alas, nothing much beats a Wyandotte for fluff. Ani cleans up the competition.

For 28. kids with chickens, I caught a picture of my 2yo niece, Jasmine, who just loves the chickens. Her favorite is Betty (the one she's petting in the pic), who she calls Benny because she can't pronounce the t's.

Frankie the silver Sebright made a lovely forework-like explosion of dust while she was bathing, perfect for 50. dust kicking up.

While she dusted, her sister Scooter found that the dust hole made a better 49. shady place to nap (upper right side of the picture).

And finally, our surprise 64. visitor. This is NOT what I had in mind when I added that theme to my list. I went outside last night to get the hens locked away for the night and this guy was in the chicken yard, pounding down the feed from their food dish:
I may be a little distracted by our new arrivals, but I don't want anyone to think I've forgotten about my delightful hens and silly Guineas! :D

39. Preen Time happens every morning after the initial filling up on food and water. With happily full crops, the hens gather in a seemingly random spot in the run and just preen or a while. In this shot, the girls gathered around sweet little Martha's grave for their preen time:

51. Nervous Guineas are easy to find if you know where to look:

(As to what they were nervous about, well... There was a dead mole lying there...)

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the sequel to the acclaimed Guinea ballet: 65. Flight of the Guineas


(Who needs wings when you're... SUPER GUINEA!)

Freema is a 67. lap chicken and she knows it. (She was on my mom's lap in this pic so that I could take it.) :

Around here, 76. the 'Bird-Eye' is what we call a stink-eye without malicious intent. Debra Jo has always had her 'diva look', which can also be considered a Bird-Eye:

Not sure how I caught Amy in such a pose, but how's this pic for 90. wings out?:

Here, we have 93. a really fresh egg, literally just laid when I took the picture:

And here's the hen who laid it, my Freema:

And last but not least, we have Rose singing her version of 98. the egg song

waititout: Those are some adorable birds you have there! Looks like Lux has already mastered the stink-eye! :lol:
Yesterday was a hot one. It got to around 100 degrees outside. The hens came to a pretty unanimous decision: it was 59. too hot to free range.

I've never seen Wynne pant with such ferocity.

Cricket was hot enough to hold her wings out a little.

Some hens were so hot that you could almost see their 19. sweaty chicken pits:



(I loved Sora in the background here. :lol: )

Even Guinea fowl were too hot. I managed to catch 92. a panting Guinea, but missed out on the rare, almost unheard of sweaty Guinea pits (darn!).

Some Guineas found refuge atop the Guinea aviary, though I don't know how it could be any cooler up there (75. a Guinea above.)

After one hot day, the girls and I woke up early for 46. the solstice sunrise. Here's the sky when I first went out to open the coop (my camera did it NO justice at all!) :

Here's 40. the coop opening for the day:

(I guess some of the girls were already up and having breakfast. :D )

Here's the sunrise a little later (just because it turned out so cool. It wasn't really that dark; I think my camera was over-compensating for the sun's light) :

And, rather than watch the sunrise with me, here's what the girls wanted to do:

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