11th Annual Easter Hatch a Long 2020

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Would you say any of them look fertilised? 😧

I’ve been waiting for them for so long and looking at egg yolks that many times I’m starting to struggle to tell if I’m actually seeing bullseyes or if my eyes are just playing tricks 😂
All three in the second pic look fertile to me. In the frst pic, I can't tell (shadows) on the top egg, but the other two look fertile.
Are there 3 eggs pictured twice, or 6 eggs?
All three in the second pic look fertile to me. In the frst pic, I can't tell (shadows) on the top egg, but the other two look fertile.
Are there 3 eggs pictured twice, or 6 eggs?
Definitely fertile eggs in there!

Aw no guys don’t say that!! 😂 Do either if you know how to reconstruct these eggs so they’re suitable to incubate? 🤣

I’ll start collecting eggs back up from tomorrow and I’ll hope that the others I collect are fertile. I’ve been waiting long enough for sure I just need some hope the males doing his job!
Neither had I. And it took me a few minutes of thinking about spinning volleyBALLs, imagining pent/hex-agon shapes drawn on eggs (and yeah, those are SOCCER balls...), before my mind let go of the ball and realized that she meant "player rotation". (Sometimes I'm way too literal. and slow to grasp more abstract references.. so I write for those following along who may have had the same confusion I had. I didn't mean to suggest that you were completely unaware of player rotation in volleyball.. i was just trying to help others who may have failed (like me) to make that connection right away.)

Of course, now I'm imagining a little net stretched across the middle of Cindy's incubator, and something light like a cotton ball for her chicks to play with, to entertain them after they hatch.. 😂.
Aw no guys don’t say that!! 😂 Do either if you know how to reconstruct these eggs so they’re suitable to incubate? 🤣

I’ll start collecting eggs back up from tomorrow and I’ll hope that the others I collect are fertile. I’ve been waiting long enough for sure I just need some hope the males doing his job!
Your only hope is to summon all the King's horses and all the King's men...

Actually, I saw something online last year (with pics, so it had to be true..) about Japanese students who had figured out how to put plastic over water glasses to make a "well", place fertilized egg contents in the wells, and incubate those under controlled temp/humidity/ventilation to achieve visible embryo development.
Aw no guys don’t say that!! 😂 Do either if you know how to reconstruct these eggs so they’re suitable to incubate? 🤣

I’ll start collecting eggs back up from tomorrow and I’ll hope that the others I collect are fertile. I’ve been waiting long enough for sure I just need some hope the males doing his job!
That is the problem with fertility checks! You cannot hatch them if they are cracked out of the shell.

Time to run a test hatch!
Aw no guys don’t say that!! 😂 Do either if you know how to reconstruct these eggs so they’re suitable to incubate? 🤣

I’ll start collecting eggs back up from tomorrow and I’ll hope that the others I collect are fertile. I’ve been waiting long enough for sure I just need some hope the males doing his job!

Wasn't it you in the February hatch a long that had the rooster that was running over the hen's backs??? Is this from him? LOL!!
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