11th Annual Easter Hatch a Long 2020

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Your only hope is to summon all the King's horses and all the King's men...

Actually, I saw something online last year (with pics, so it had to be true..) about Japanese students who had figured out how to put plastic over water glasses to make a "well", place fertilized egg contents in the wells, and incubate those under controlled temp/humidity/ventilation to achieve visible embryo development.
It can be done...
Your only hope is to summon all the King's horses and all the King's men...

Actually, I saw something online last year (with pics, so it had to be true..) about Japanese students who had figured out how to put plastic over water glasses to make a "well", place fertilized egg contents in the wells, and incubate those under controlled temp/humidity/ventilation to achieve visible embryo development.

Time to summon them! 😂

Ah yes I’ve seen a video on that too, I haven’t got the right equipment to be able to do that though but it would definitely be a fun project to try!

That is the problem with fertility checks! You cannot hatch them if they are cracked out of the shell.

Time to run a test hatch!

Going to collect them from tomorrow and probably set them on Monday! Fingers crossed some develop...at least one or I’ll cry 😭 I’ve waited too long!

Wasn't it you in the February hatch a long that had the rooster that was running over the hen's backs??? Is this from him? LOL!!

Yep that’s him! He is still mounting them but not very steadily so I’ll be superior I get any develop when I incubate. I’m still questioning if these ones are fertile or not though, I’m apprehensive 😫 Will know for sure when I incubate!
'Cause I just made it up all by myself! :lau :lau :lau
I am a little curious.. how often do you rotate your eggs Volleyball Style? Because, I'm thinking that an egg which starts at lower left, marches along the sidewall to the LR corner, then jumps to UL, then marches along the other wall.. that's 12 steps before it can begin to move away from the walls..

I love the plan, I think it's brilliant.. but I'm wondering if there might be an advantage to imagining that volleyball net across the middle and rotating them as two teams, or even imagining 4 quadrants and rotating each group within its quadrant (in the LR quad, the LR (server) egg would rotate to its quad's UL position, which would be (Excel spreadsheet reference) cell D5 of the whole box. Whether two or four teams, the 4th row (directly under the imaginary net..) would be different.. there, the eggs would step through A4 to B4 to C4 to A4... or F4 to D4 to E4 to F4.

If you're rotating places 4 times a day, your plan cycles each egg through the whole box two times.. but that seems like a lot of opening the box and handling the eggs. By rotating within quadrants, one place rotation per day moves each egg through its quad 2-1/3 times.

Your way is probably just fine.. I'm sure that many folks use that incubator without doing any place rotation at all, and have good hatches.. I'm just OCD enough that I'd have to rotate in quadrants...
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