12 dead birds and charges filed *update 1st court date today*

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The dogs in question clearly have been a danger to your neighborhood. The dogs are doing " what comes naturally,but should not be loose to begin with.
Last night MY chihuahua killed a lot of chicks someone was raising on my property.I feel awful.We didn't know he was outside [it was raining]. We still do not know how he snuck out. But now that we know he can get out we will go to greater lengths to make sure it doesn't happen again.That is our responsibility.
I have 25 chicks coming ,of my own ,in a week and this is a great concern to me .
I hope the RR 's get rehomed instead of euthenized,but the law makes that decision.
I am so sorry you lost your dear freinds. Kudos to your sherriff's dept. One way or another ,you and your neighbors need to see the last of those Ridgebacks.
I'm reading all this with tears in my eyes. I can't begin to tell you how sorry I am.
I'd like to send a personal shout-out to your sheriff's department - I wish they all were so conscientous. Can you post their contact info for us?
To me a "predator" is something that must hunt for it's food. Domesticated dogs and cats that have homes are no longer predators and do not have to hunt for their food. It is the responsibility of the animals owner to care for and control them. Yes I do know that IN THE PAST dogs were predators. Wild dogs are still predators, but domesticated dogs with homes are not born in the wild and expected to hunt for their meals. These people need to control them or find them homes apart from each other so they have to form new packs and new mentalities with the animals in their new homes.
Sorry for your loss. Already this year we have killed 4 dogs attacking our pens. We have lost 6 chickens from this ourselves. We even had a cop kill his own 2 dogs for destroying and killing 3 chickens. In our area we have lots of dogs roaming and people dropping more off everyday. The cops have told us animal control is trying everything they can but if any dog or animal attacks my pens or our animals in our fenced in yard to kill it. We keep a loaded 22 ready for just this.
I am so sorry Jody. I would be fuming! I have some very large Black Jersey Giant Roo, A Blue hen and some white hens that will be laying soon, I could send you some eggs. I also have some Silver and BBR, and a bantum BBR phenoix pair that are always laying. I know they are not the same as your own birds, and hopefully your eggs hatch, but their eggs will be here if you need them.
Oh wow that is terrible! I sure hope you get new babies from the eggs! I'm so sorry that you had to go through that. How sad. I just had to see four of my babies killed by the neighbors dog too but they were great about it and the dog is now chained and has not been over since. I sure hope those dogs are confined or sounds like they are pretty mean so they should be taken care of.

I am so sorry to hear about this. I lost a cat to vicious at large dogs and my daughter still talks about it (she was 3). Our back door was open and Taz could have just as easily come in the house but he ran into the garage instead. I pressed charges, and as far as I know nothing was done. I hope that they decide to do something to the owners, besides just monetary.

I would put all the eggs I had in the bator.

I recently pulled 22 silkie eggs out of my refridgerator. Some could have
been as old as 2 weeks. 17 were fertile and 15 hatched.

Sorry to hear about your chickens.

I wish you were closer, I would give you my flock. We are having to get ready to pack up and move, and I am trying to figure what to do with all my babies, I know you would give them a good home.
I am sorry for your loss, and I know how frustrating dogs can be. Blessings on you and I hope time eases your pain.
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