12 dead birds and charges filed *update 1st court date today*

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I agree.........to a point. The more continuances and "foot dragging" costs them more and more in attorney fees. I would love to sit on a jury, especially this one. I'd be mad as heck, but not for being there.
After these idiots are convicted, which surely they should be, its time to get them BACK in court for a civil suit. CHA-CHING !! $$$$$ More attorney fees, and a hefty judgement.
Jeez, that guy got nerve to delay as long as he can! I think he knows he doe snot have a leg to stand on unless his dog is chewing on it!

Welcome to Jody's posse!
Wish Jody wins,but sad thing they will be some Dog lover on the jury, who will think, oh they are just chickens. Dogs will be dogs.

Been better before the judge.

You go Jody!!!!!!!!!!
In a case about a dangerous dog, can they introduce the evidence that this dog previously killed a pet dog? I'm sure it varies by location, according to the way local laws are written. I don't think that would impress a dog lover on the jury! I'm really glad this is being pursued. Haven't we seen cases of injury to people, where the dog has a long history of aggression and wondered why nobody did anything?

I realize there are dogs that only target small prey animals and would never kill another dog. I realize there are are dogs that are aggressive to other dogs and would never hurt a person. There are, however, dogs that are on a path of increasing aggression. I think dogs with any kind of aggression issues should be evaluated and then a choice should be made as to whether the dog should be worked with, killed or at the very least, contained in an extremely secure manner. I think people with killer dogs that are allowed to run loose need to end up in court. Just like any other criminal.
Henry'schickens :

PC, I can agree with you but it is too bad that a punishment can't be decided without going to court and costing tax payers money. But it is innocent until proven guilty even with witnesses.

You are definately correct but doesn't that apply more to higher felonies?

This jerk copped a not guilty plea hoping the judge would dismiss it
due to the expense and time required for a jury trial. It was
probably under his lawyers advice.

I had a husky that killed a duck. I ended up with several hundred dollars
worth of fines and had to go to court. The first thing I did was returned
the dog to the breeder (I was 20 and lived in an apartment) knowing
I could not provide the dog proper care, training and supervision.
I went to court and when the judge asked me what happened, I told
her the truth, admitted my own irresponsibility, apologized to the owners
of the pond the duck lived at(it was wild), and explained what I had done
to remedy the situation. The judge reduced my fines bt 2/3. I thanked
her and paid the fine. This was in Georgia and the courts down there
don't mess around.

I'm completely on Jody's side with this. She should pursue it. It's the
defendant who is the complete jerk here.​
Keep being the squeaky wheel!

By trying to game the system, your dunderhead neighbor is only postponing the inevitable... and making you and the rest of the neighborhood angrier.
He asked for a continuance, so now the court date has been rescheduled for February 27th. I guess he thinks I will give up and go away. I won't. This wheel will keep on squeaking.
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