12+ LF Variety Pack


9 Years
Jun 22, 2010
This Auction is for 12+ of my Large Fowl Chickens. Breeds include 3 Speckled Sussex, 3 Black Austrolorps, 3 American Dominiques, and 3 Orpingtons (Lavendar Roo over Lavendar, Splash and Buff hens). I will send any extras that are laid from the time I receive confirmation of paypal until they are shipped out.

If you want more of one breed and none of another please let me know and I will work to get what you want.

These eggs will ship out on Monday April 18th, I do not collect eggs until I have confirmation on paypal payment to [email protected].

Please let me know if you have any questions.




I would like to purchase you're eggs!! Is it $14 plus shipping or $14 with shipping? I would prefer mostly black austrolorps and lavendar orpingtons if you can work it out that way if not then I understand
As soon as I hear back from you I will send you the money through my paypal. Thanks!
It is $14.00 for the eggs and $14.00 for shipping so a total or $28.00. I can work on getting you as many Lavorps as possible, one of my lavorp hens is broody right now which has effected the number of those eggs I get but I can send as many as I can get, the Austrolorps are no problem.
Will you let me know what day you started collecting the eggs? Can you tell which eggs are from which breed of chicken as well? Or maybe just slip a note in with the eggs stating how many of each breed you are sending? TY!!

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