12th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along

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I’m skeptical that x-rays have any effect on hatching eggs. Old wives tale? Guess I should research since I ship lots of eggs, but I’ve not seen anything definitive. If anyone has any good sources they’d like to share, I’d be interested.

It does damage growing embryos. This study was actually focused on whether a higher number of females would hatch when exposed to short periods of radiation from x-rays but if you read through it talks about the high mortality rate from being exposed to x-rays as well as the lesions and other permanent damage that can occur in surviving chicks.

Did you set the eggs later in the day? Maybe they're just taking their time. It's not late yet. (all of this coming from someone that is feeling extremely disappointed by my lack of early pips from my eggs on day 20 :gig )
i set them on march 13 at noon they were rocking around yesterday and the day before but haven’t moved since :(
I woke up to chickys in the incubator! 5 Pita Pintas have hatched and 3 Blue Marans.
My call ducklings hatch finished yesterday. It was heartbreaking 💔, the worse hatch I've ever had with them. Trying to figure out what went wrong exactly so it doesn't happen again. 😪 I have only 5 live ducklings but one isn't doing very well.

Well the little fawn one (blackish) is doing a little better..
Messy little piggies...
It does damage growing embryos. This study was actually focused on whether a higher number of females would hatch when exposed to short periods of radiation from x-rays but if you read through it talks about the high mortality rate from being exposed to x-rays as well as the lesions and other permanent damage that can occur in surviving chicks.


Well sure, on growing embryos! But hatching eggs being mailed shouldn’t be growing yet. :D
But I’ll take a look at the study. Thanks. :highfive:

Edit to add, the study is from 1931, from 1 study. Sorry, and the results were weak. I’m not bashing you in any way. It’s an interesting topic, so I’ll keep looking. I wish I had access to an x-ray machine. Maybe I could take some eggs to my dentist office. :lol: (not a bad thought, actually!)

another question, are all post office packages x-rayed, or just certain locations, or reasons for x-raying? And how many times might the same package get scanned? Oooh, that makes me wonder about the tracking scanners. Hmmmmm.....
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I’m skeptical that x-rays have any effect on hatching eggs. Old wives tale? Guess I should research since I ship lots of eggs, but I’ve not seen anything definitive. If anyone has any good sources they’d like to share, I’d be interested.
My gut feeling is that it's the pretty near constant vibration of transport that affects hatch rate. The eggs can be well protected against sudden shock so they arrive perfectly intact, but I'd think even a low level vibration wouldn't do the blastoderm any good.
So my eggs are due to hatch Saturday. I had to move them from my large incubator to my small one since it’s better for hatching.

I cleaned the small incubator and let it dry so I waited later into day 18 to move them. I checked my other eggs (BCM) looking good.

Put my 5 eggs ready for lockdown in my new plastic egg carton I got from Tractor supply, closed it to keep the heat in while moving them upstairs, opened it up and found the carton crushed my EE eggs.

As a desperate last resort I used some birthday candle wax on the large cracks.

idk guess, im pretty devastated over this. My EE chicks mixed with my Ayam Cemani Rooster are my favorites.
I hope the wax seals the cracks well!
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