13 Slaughtered Birds

Sorry to hear. the EXACT same thing happened to us on Christmas eve last year. Weasel burrowed between the wood wall and the concrete and got nine of them. It was a gruesome sight. The only thing worse than cleaning that up knowing what they went through, was trying to explain to a 5 and 8 year old why most of their chickens were gone. I guess this can be chalked up to a life experience.
Sounds like a fox, they will kill as many chickens they see and come back later to take the rest... This may sound dumb a gross but best thing to make sure you dont want foxes or any wild dogs mess with your chickens is for (a male human) to pee on the outside of the coop. It works, and foxes are scared of human urine scent
would a gallon pickle jar ///// sun tea jug work even cut the lid to a smaller dimension
Sounds like a fox, they will kill as many chickens they see and come back later to take the rest... This may sound dumb a gross but best thing to make sure you dont want foxes or any wild dogs mess with your chickens is for (a male human) to pee on the outside of the coop. It works, and foxes are scared of human urine scent
The fox I have around here are not deterred by human scent. They chased and killed my chickens, practically on my front steps. I could tell by the feather piles, looks like the attack started out in the yard, and the chickens ran to the house. Sadly, nobody was home to help them.
Uh no. It needs to be a glass jar, plastic and metal aren't slippery enough. We learned of the glass bottle trick from an old timer. You COULD use a 'moonshine' jug. the kind that look like this:

We used an old 5 gallon glass water bottle, confirmed with my Dad today. I suppose the moonshine bottle would work. IF it's a weasel, or other marmot.

Good luck!
MY last resort would be to set up a blind, and just snipe the bat rastard when he comes sniffing around.

My choice weapon would be an air rifle, they make some rather good ones these days, powerful and accurate. Using anything more powerful would probably scare the HE double hockey sticks out of your birds and affect egg production.

Vermin are vermin, and need to be treated as such. About the only kind you cannot kill are raptors. Which I disagree with, but rules is rules. TO me, a nuisance is a nuisance, regardless of what animals it is. But the law says otherwise.
I lost four of mine a few nights ago. It really stinks. It was a coon, I saw it leave when I went out to see what the racket was. It got in a really small slit between the wood and chicken wire. I have one left that is severely traumatized and slightly injured but improving daily. Any ideas about a good coon bait for my trap?
Woke up to 13 slaughtered birds...well 12, 1 broke her neck in the panic, ..... several had their heads gone, and some with their butts ate out..... What is it???

we have a a slit at top of door and bottom, I will repair those..... but we are not only sick but ******.... lost both Cinnamon Queen Roos, at least 1/2 of the Cinnamon Queens........

Any Ideas what predators hit us.... Mink.... Weasel,
This is the work of a possum. The key is the rear end eaten.
I never thought Possum. Wow. They are REALLY strong too. But luckily very, very stupid. A live trap should do the trick. Then just smoke him with your .22 silenced Remington match pistol.XD

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