13wk hen...what the heck is she??? Silver Phoenix? PIC HEAVY!!!

O, yes. She does look like a silver phoenix. Can't say that I've ever seen one, but that is what she looks like.
Well, after seeing those pics I'm not so sure she's a SP anymore
I was kinda excited!!! Need more opinions!!!!
Well, after seeing those pics I'm not so sure she's a SP anymore
I was kinda excited!!! Need more opinions!!!!

You might have to wait and see what kind of tail she gets. THe phoenix have a pretty big tail - even the hens!
She looks heavier bodied then my phenoix, and has less comb, I would lean more toward an EE, I have a few like that and they are wonderful birds. It would also make more sense that it came from rainbow egg layer section,phenoix lay white eggs.
well she is certainly a very pretty hen, whether she is a phoenix or an EE. I always assumed the rainbow egg layer assort. would probably include white and brown eggs as well as blue and green. I thought of it as a rainbow of egg colors not just tinted eggs. I have 7 , four wk old golden phoenix chicks, from Ideal they have slender bodies and already are developing longer than the norm tails, I can definetly tell the phoenix from EE chicks.

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