16 surprize babies


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jul 16, 2013
Black River Falls, Wis
I ordered 15 heavy brown egg layers from MM plus a surprise 3 white giants and 2 light brahamas and 5 ee's. I am trying to figure out the 16 for right now these pictures as good as I can get they will be 3 weeks Friday. any suggestions or guesses? Thanks.

The fourth picture down looks like there is a Light Brahma. Does it have feathers on its legs? It also looks like a Light Brahma in the first picture too. The white giants are probably the most yellowish ones, and the EE would be more brown. Which one is your bonus chick?
Light brahma's will have feathers on their feet even as babies. EE's are brown or have chipmunk like patterns some may have puffy cheeks. Im not sure with your other breeds as Ive never owned them, but that should help some! :) good luck with your new little ones!
I ended up with 27 so 2 are surprises But I did get some better pictures today when cleaned out their holding pen.I have 3 of these they are yellow turning white wings

? different than my ee's

I am thinking black astr.?

This one not sure for sure no ee because the 5 I got are a lot smaller so she is thonly one I am thinking one surprise he is a lot bigger than my ee's almost as big as my giants and they are bigger than the rest

# of these they started light grey but now they have white wings and grey everyelse. Really cute though.

2nd one down, size and color is favoring EE.
3/4 pics down do look like austrolorpe's
The only all white chicks Ive ever had were EE's so Im not help with you on those.
The leghorn I have I got as an adult
The 6th picture down a wyndotte maybe?
But Im just guessing.
The last two are very pretty but I have no clue!

I was really not much help but you have a nice assortment and I cant wait to see what they turn out to be!
Light brahma's will have feathers on their feet even as babies. EE's are brown or have chipmunk like patterns some may have puffy cheeks. Im not sure with your other breeds as Ive never owned them, but that should help some!
good luck with your new little ones!
Actually my favorite EEs are yellow as chicks, with charcoal smudges. As adults they are soft tan with lots of white. The one being held on the OP's lap where the caption says "for sure no EE" has me stumped because those look like EE cheeks and it's colored and patterned just like an EE I got last year. So I don't think the size says anything about it's identification other than it's parentage may have been larger birds.

Green or slate legs on any of them, OP? Oh, wait - I have an EE without green legs. Boy this group is a stumper. I agree it's going to fun to see them grown up!
The yellow chicks that are turning white may be white leghorns. The black chicks look like australorps. The "not EE" looks like an easter egger to me. The gray chicks that are feathering in white are probably white rocks.
thanks everyone I will post more pics when they get older maybe next week who knows I take pics every week to try to keep so I can now see later and compare.

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