1st attempt at hatching - April 1 hatch date...7 of 8 hatched. PIC Heavy w/ Hatching Videos!

Good luck iv only just set mine tonight so I'm looking at the 3rd or 4Th
I candled last night and out of the 14 eggs I saw 9 with obvious signs of development. 5 are clear and all 5 are from the two White Plymouth Rock hens. I will wait till day 14 to take out the clears since that seems to be the consensus on here. My temps have been rock solid at 100.1 and the humidity has been a steady 41%. So far, so good.
Day 15. Took out the 5 clears yesterday. Everything is looking good for an April 1 hatch date. No I didn't think of the date when I set the eggs....maybe I should have...

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I've started my very first hatch too on Friday, March 23rd. Temp in incubator is "rock solid" like yours at 99.5. I do have a hygrometer but it is a bulky, square thing and since I have an automatic egg turner I have no place to put it where I can see it. When its in the incubator it sort of falls over. The water wells are filled though.

I'm so excited to see if any of these hatch. They are all bantams and will be bantam mutts but I don't care.
We will have three bantam mutts if all goes well. Like the hen Elkie I'm sure they will be unique. I really have no idea what to expect. Good luck with yours!

I've started my very first hatch too on Friday, March 23rd. Temp in incubator is "rock solid" like yours at 99.5. I do have a hygrometer but it is a bulky, square thing and since I have an automatic egg turner I have no place to put it where I can see it. When its in the incubator it sort of falls over. The water wells are filled though.

I'm so excited to see if any of these hatch. They are all bantams and will be bantam mutts but I don't care.
Just went into lockdown! Candled 9 eggs and it appears that one is a quitter and 8 are good. Humidity is steady at 67%. One egg is jiggling pretty good in there...Nothing left to do except wait.

I can't express how excited I am. I restrained myself and candled only two eggs of the 15 in the incubator but both had veins. Its only Day 6 and I don't want to handle them to much. I read its not good.


Please keep us informed about what's happening. Send pictures!

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