1st Muscovy ducklings in trouble please help!!!!?


Apr 26, 2016
We have 2 ducklings that mama duck tore out of their eggs before they had completely absorbed the yolk and some of the membranes. I have read some of the threads talking about a paste to use after gently pushing it back in after a day or so. Can anyone, anyone at all please please please tell me where to buy this or how to make it? As I'm sure everyone here can agree you get attached to these beautiful little ones and I want to do anything and everything I can to help them survive!
We have 2 ducklings that mama duck tore out of their eggs before they had completely absorbed the yolk and some of the membranes. I have read some of the threads talking about a paste to use after gently pushing it back in after a day or so. Can anyone, anyone at all please please please tell me where to buy this or how to make it? As I'm sure everyone here can agree you get attached to these beautiful little ones and I want to do anything and everything I can to help them survive!

See if you can post on this thread - you can look through recent posts and see who is hatching.


Thank you will do! Have been reading, searching, freaking out, tending to lings and repeating all of those all last night and all of today!
Where are you at this point??
good morning! We have one that was sitting up peeping softly at me this morning
and the other is more active which is great considering how lethargic it has been! So am hoping we are making progress and not just prolonging anything!
Sounds like they just needed more time..
I think so too apparently mama duck was way to anxious to meet her little ones! They just had breakfast of eggs and electrolite and then the more lethargic of the two I think ruptured its yolk sac so I clamped it and tied it off w some suture put iodine on it and am letting it rest which its not doing much of lol its still trying to climb out of the cup and is about the most wiggly little booger I have ever seen! Lol that being said w all that energy I couldn't sit back and do nothing! Had to resort to keeping my fingers crossed instead of holding breath for fear of passing out!
its been a long couple of days!!

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