1st Muscovy ducklings in trouble please help!!!!?

Good news!! Lethargic ducky no more! Its up and waddling around like nothing ever happened this morning! We also just welcomed another duckling from the same clutch just minutes ago that is happy and totally healthy!!!!
So what do you think that is? I've been reading and looking at pics but it doesn't look exactly like anything I've seen! Lol its still up hobbling around the tote and drinking every 15 minutes or so.

Doesn't look like yolk. Was he late?
Doesn't look like yolk. Was he late?[/q
still figuring out this site lol we welcomed 4 more healthy lings last night/ early this am at 4 am which was a welcomed relief after 2 nights and days of all this!!! Everybody seems totally fine today! We aren't sure if they were just too early or the others were running late but have figured since the rest were all fine the others must have been early? That's just us grasping at straws trying to figure out what happened so we can correct it next time!!
still figuring out this site lol we welcomed 4 more healthy lings last night/ early this am at 4 am which was a welcomed relief after 2 nights and days of all this!!! Everybody seems totally fine today! We aren't sure if they were just too early or the others were running late but have figured since the rest were all fine the others must have been early? That's just us grasping at straws trying to figure out what happened so we can correct it next time!!

Well it looks like a ball of gooy stuff mixed with blood. Gooy stuff caused by stickiness.
Well it looks like a ball of gooy stuff mixed with blood. Gooy stuff caused by stickiness.
lol that was about what I had figured out! Lol couldn't find anything that looked like it online anywhere! So its from stickiness what do I do to correct that in the future? These were eggs hatched by mama not an incubator so no way to gauge humidity or even temp?
lol that was about what I had figured out! Lol couldn't find anything that looked like it online anywhere! So its from stickiness what do I do to correct that in the future? These were eggs hatched by mama not an incubator so no way to gauge humidity or even temp?

AHHH ok that explains somethings. Was this her egg??

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