1st time with sick chicken


Jul 8, 2022
This is my first flock of chickens. We have 10 Welsummers and 5 Sapphire Olive Eggers, they are all 10 weeks old. We live in Kansas and it has been super hot and humid here. On the 4th of July, we were gone most of the day and when I came home I found one of my Olive Eggers all hunched up and moving slowly around their run (until I got in there to try to catch her then she was lightning fast but still running around with her neck pushed in to make it look like she doesn't have a neck). I immediately separated her from the rest of the flock and gave her electrolytes, shade, and her chick food. She wasn't eating or drinking much the first day or 2. I figured out if I put some fruit and veggies in a container of icewater I could get her to drink more. July 6th she still wasn't better. I consulted a Facebook group and even though her poop looked fine, they suggested I start her and the rest of the flock on Corid for coccidia. We started that the evening of July 6th. Yesterday she seemed to be eating more and when I went in to give her meds last night she kept trying to fly out of the pen. She has now had 2 doses of Corid and I am not seeing a ton of improvement. Most of her poops are still solid. They are mostly a dark greenish brown color with some white on them. She is eating and drinking. She just isn't very active (not scratching or running around the pen (unless I'm in there to catch her) - she just goes in the crate and lays down and comes out to eat and drink stand for a little bit and then goes back in) and still in that hunched posture where it looks like she doesn't have a neck. I noticed part of her comb is black. I am not sure how long it has been that way. What else can I do for her? I attached pictures of her. The first one with the others is from the 4th of July when I first noticed her doing this. The 2nd picture is from the 6th and the 3rd picture up close is of her comb today (looking back at pictures since the 4th it looks like it has been like that and I just didn't notice).


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Multiple diseases in poultry are known to cause blackness in the comb and wattles.
Usually there are other symptoms though. You mentioned her poop still looks fine, so that is a good sign.

Keep her separated and continue to offer her feed and water with electrolytes. Sick chicken love wet bread and mealworms so you can try giving her some of that.

While waiting for someone to give you a clear answer of what could be going on, I’d suggest doing a quick inspection of her if you are able to. Check for mites, unusual swelling, check her crop, and continue to check her stool regularly.

Good luck.

Multiple diseases in poultry are known to cause blackness in the comb and wattles.
Usually there are other symptoms though. You mentioned her poop still looks fine, so that is a good sign.

Keep her separated and continue to offer her feed and water with electrolytes. Sick chicken love wet bread and mealworms so you can try giving her some of that.

While waiting for someone to give you a clear answer of what could be going on, I’d suggest doing a quick inspection of her if you are able to. Check for mites, unusual swelling, check her crop, and continue to check her stool regularly.

Good luck.

I have inspected her the best that I can. Her feet look fine. They have actually gotten more color in her legs in the last 2 days. I haven't seen any mites or lice or swelling and her crop seems normal. How long should I expect her to be down like this?
I have inspected her the best that I can. Her feet look fine. They have actually gotten more color in her legs in the last 2 days. I haven't seen any mites or lice or swelling and her crop seems normal. How long should I expect her to be down like this?
Depends which kind of disease/sickness she has. I am unable to shed light on which kind of disease/sickness she may have, so hopefully @azygous @Wyorp Rock @Eggcessive or @EggSighted4Life can jump in and help you with that.

Is it hot where you are?
How are the other birds?
Depends which kind of disease/sickness she has. I am unable to shed light on which kind of disease/sickness she may have, so hopefully @azygous @Wyorp Rock @Eggcessive or @EggSighted4Life can jump in and help you with that.

Is it hot where you are?
How are the other birds?
We are in central Kansas. It is hot. Today is mild high of 88 but feels like 94. Last few days have been in the 90s feels like around 105. It is about to get worse though as highs next week are around 102. The other birds are doing GREAT! A friend mentioned putting a friend in with her to cheer her up but I worry about doing that in case whatever she has is contagious. The day before she got sick we had just extended their run (we have cats and hawks here that would destroy our flock so they are in a protected run). We made a tunnel for them around our garden and all the others are running around in there chasing bugs and eating grass and weeds.
Please back up to your first post where you mention giving two doses of Corid. Please explain what exactly you've done so far to treat coccidiosis.

No real need to separate a sick chicken unless the others are tormenting her. Sick and injured chickens recover far better when left with their mates, and contagious diseases are such that if it is contagious, all the others have already been exposed anyway.

Is her poop runny? Usually diarrhea accompanies coccidiosis.

Heat stress mimics many others disorders, so continue to give electrolytes to this chicken.
Please back up to your first post where you mention giving two doses of Corid. Please explain what exactly you've done so far to treat coccidiosis.

No real need to separate a sick chicken unless the others are tormenting her. Sick and injured chickens recover far better when left with their mates, and contagious diseases are such that if it is contagious, all the others have already been exposed anyway.

Is her poop runny? Usually diarrhea accompanies coccidiosis.

Heat stress mimics many others disorders, so continue to give electrolytes to this chicken.
I was told to put a couple drops of Corid on her bottom beak so we have done that twice and put Corid in her water each day when we refill it. Today I cleaned out their coop (she isn't in it currently) with vinegar water and put down barn lime and new shavings. I was told to also treat the others with Corid so I have put it in their water daily as well.

No her poop is not runny. I have seen a couple that were more on the loose end but a majority of them are solid. When I asked the Facebook group about it they all said immediately separate and give Corid as they had chickens do the same thing without the bad looking poop and they bounced back. Another person mentioned Marecks disease but she is not having issues walking or eating, just doesn't have any energy during the day.

Would heat stress take this long to recover? I'd LOVE to get her back in the flock...first time chicken mom here just worried about all her babies.

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