2 of my hens stopped laying?

Ahah! mystery solved perhaps! In order to help them through molt (and look at their combs...are they paler than usual and not bright red?) feed additional protein, and maybe change foods so they don't ingest unnecessary calcium...I fed mealworms and high protein "molt muffins". Scrambled or hard-boiled eggs (crushed up) can help too!
Hi there
I have an austrolorp who molted I Need october and still isn't laying. I also have a RR who stopped in January and also not laying. What's going on?:/
Hi there
I have an austrolorp who molted I Need october and still isn't laying. I also have a RR who stopped in January and also not laying. What's going on?

More information needed. How many birds do you have? Are the others laying? What has made up their diet in the last 8 months? i. e. protein% calcium %, % of diet in things other than a complete poultry food? Do they free range?
Anything that can cause stress? Changes in flock dynamics, changes in housing, predators afoot?
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