2 week old pics


11 Years
Feb 19, 2008
Actually, they will be 2 weeks old tomorrow. All 52 are healthy and I was lucky to not lose any!
They were the Ideal pullet surprise special. On the packing slip they wrote that I have 13 each of Austrolorps, New Hampshire Reds, Gold sex link, and Reds. I assume the last is RIR. I wish they hadn't sent so many that looks so much alike! Right now I'm not sure which is which except for the Austrolorps. LOL
Reds could be either RIR or Production Reds. I am getting 100 Red Stars on February 10 or 17th not sure exactly and I was wondering how many of the red feeders you have for your 52? I have waterers and I'm needing to buy them soon... I was thinking 2 or 3 what do you think? Thank you!

I'll find out what's what when they feather out. I guess that's part of the surprise? LOL I'm glad they told me what they are so I wasn't guessing at that.

I only have one feeder. I think I'm going to get another soon, though. When I first fill the one, they pile on; but after about 5 minutes and some have had their fill, it's not crowded at all.

I have to say I prefer these over the metal ones. I don't like how they are using it to roost on! Silly buggers. I've got one stick I put in yesterday and will see if I can't scrounge up another couple so they have something else to roost on.

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