2012 ... hype or possibility? NOT A DOOMSDAY RANT!

I believe its a possibility. But I also believe that if something is going to happen that there will be signs beforehand.

NASA warned of a super solar storm in 2012 that could shut down the power grids and leave us powerless for months or longer. In 2012 the solar flares are known to be more extreme than ever recorded before.

There was a large solar flare in 1859.
The solar flare of 1859 was a strong flare that burned out our telegraph systems - set telegraph offices on fire and caused havoc with our compasses.

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uhh well, my cousin is all into the omg the world is going to end crap and i secretly laugh at her. i don't really think it's going to happen. how the heck did these people know!? maybe they ran out of room or whatever material they wrote it on
i think it's a bunch of hooohaaaa and when we don't die then i really will laugh at her
If the world ends, who's going to be around to say 'I told you so?'???
There isn't much point in preparing for the end of days if all you are really preparing for is to go 'blip' and be gone.
Honestly there is very little that could happen that would destroy all life on Earth in a matter of a day. If disaster is to happen that destroys a majority of life, then it will probably be some kind of plague or series of natural events that happen over months, weeks and years.

If a great change happens, it probably has already started and people will realize it in a couple years. If it is for the good, then hooray, if it's for the bad, well (expletive left out).
The world as it has been known by humanity has 'ended' and gone through 'revolutions' thousands of times. Change happens whether you want it to happen or not. If you want to prepare, just get ready to adapt or fall behind.

All the hooplah is reminiscent of Y2K and numerous other 'end of the world' scenarios. It's hard to get hyped up for it when all other 'prophecies' have fallen incredibly short.
Actually, according to the Mayan calendar, the world has already ended ... 4 times before.

Their calendar has eras called "Suns." We are currently in the 5th Sun according to them. 2012 is probably the end of the current Sun. It's the end of a cycle, and if anyone knows the symbolism of a circle ... it has no beginning and no end. The world won't end, people might, but the earth will go on.

And for those that get excited about comparative mythology and history, when the 4th Sun ended, it ended in a flood.
so if all the oil spewing in the gulf collapses the earths crust some how and it all ends in 2 years .............

the really funny part would be if they miss the prediction by 2-3 days I mean every body is waiting for the world to end and just when we think we are past it, it is over BAHAHAHA

xD xD

this about 2012 is just cloud-fluff... dumb people try to scare us, trust me, they end up scaring themselves! xD
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I don't know what to think about all of this. I truly didn't believe in the Y2K thing. The most I gave it thought to was maybe a hacker virus might affect some things, but I truly and honestly gave it no thought..that was then....then I went through a blackout that lasted over a week. I didn't know what to do. My self sufficient hubby did. So thankful he wasn't out of town at that time. but honestly, how many people would really know what to do if something happened and all services were out of commission, no hydro, no water, depending on what time of year..no heat, no gasoline etc....I think all hell would break loose. Not a whole lot of people can honestly say I am fully prepared in case of a real large scale emergency. what would you do...how would you self suffice and care for your family? Like my hubby says...any way I had to!! we live in a small town and we are used to losing power for long periods specially in winter during large scale winter storms, so I am glad to say my wood stove and wood cooking stove come in real handy and the pantry does too. Our biggest issue is our water because it all runs with electricity, the power goes out we have no running water because I have an underground well. but we do keep several Culligan bottles of water laying around at all times. It is the main reason I would love to switch to solar or wind, because those are fail safe at least for now.


when I was in grade 8 the most popular girl in class was a super drama queen...anyhow one day she took out a book out of the library..nostradamus...and she read the whole thing. the next day she came to school and everyone could tell she was super upset. When the home room teacher asked her what was wrong...she melted right down into a crying frenzy, she kept saying..why are we even here, why even bother going to school or trying our best we are wasting our time because we are all going to die...and she kept pushing the book at people. well after a half hour of this the teacher took her down to the office and thy called her mother...she didn't come to school for like 2 weeks. I didn't like the girl because she was super snobby and was always rude to me, so I had fun telling people she cracked and went mental. In any event when she came back to school people looked at her weird all the time, thankfully she only had a month left in grade school. that book changed her views and her behaviour.
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This is a pretty good point, we don't really know what were up against with the crisis in the gulf, maybe the petroglyph of the "rocket" is actually an oil rig? LOL good argument there... as for the being off by a few days MAN that is super funny.

MY biggest fear in all of this is based on a line from the movie Men In Black when J argues that people are smart and K tells him "A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it." People, preparing for some possible disaster that may or may not come, may lead to horde mentallity. People shooting each other in Walmart over toilet paper. That kind of stupidity is what worries me.
For myself, it's not about trying to decide whether it's hype or a possibility, it's knowing that I've obtained enough knowledge to be able to provide for my family for the "just in cases". We have a surplus of food "just in case". We have the knowledge of how to hunt/trap "just in case" and we have the knowledge to grow our own food "just in case". Whether or not it's hype or not, we feel that preparedness is important.........heck, a tornado or hurricane or whatever could come and wipe out power for weeks......the trick is being prepared for those "just in cases"

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