2012 ... hype or possibility? NOT A DOOMSDAY RANT!

This is also a good point, I mean look at Haiti this year? If you are prepared for a major natural disaster, your chances of coming out on the other side are much better. We also grow a lot of our own food, hunt and fish, I can and preserve through drying etc. This year we are even dabbling with growing grain, just to see. We do it to contribute to eating local and our own sustainablity, but I guaruntee if it ever hit the fan, I have a lot of friends that would be trying to hit us up for help!
Let me start by saying my family is slightly over prepared, we have nearly a year’s worth of food stockpiled in our garage along with crates of batteries. It’s slightly paranoid. Anyway, both Nostradamus and the Mayan people of South America predicted some sort of world changing event to happen in 2012. I honestly believe it holds some standing, though all formed by speculation and numerology; which generally means that there is a higher mathematical possibility that a world changing event will happen in 2012.

However, I believe if anything does happen humanity will endure and rise again. Life always finds a way, scientifically speaking.
yeah, this
Yah, that year my best friend is passing out Christmas cards that say "Due to the upcoming armageddon we will not be having Christmas, have a nice day!!" I'm going to give out bags of rice and batteries! LOL...
But see, if there's no Christmas in 2012, I won't have to Christmas shop.

Seriously, if the world is going to end, or there is a polar shift, or even parts of what some of the doomsday scientists are predicting, I'm going to sit down with my family on the couch with a big bowl of popcorn and wait for the waves.

Honestly, though, I really think it'll just be another day. Everyone will shake their heads collectively, we'll all shrug our shoulders and go on baking our Christmas cookies and the doomsday scientists will find another date or reason to obsess and predict the next armageddon.

the guy making that calender that day ran out of time and had to get home to the Mrs. before she clobbered him. he had too many beverages that night and didn't make it back to finish the job...
...the Millerites believed the world was going to end in 1849 I believe and were disappointed when it did not, as most of them had sold all personal possessions. Soon after the following was mostly abandoned.
I wonder how many other peoples had a set date they believed all would end?

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