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hi ya all .. i would like to swap an idea for another idea .. has any one concidered permaculture other wise known as aquaponics .i personaly think its great and a fun thing to try.

it can be done even in some ones house on a smaller scale .. and people often like fish along with raising plants ..so why not raise them to gether and reep the wonderful benefits of
raising things you never thought you could by means of aqua culture .. no im not interested in your money just what you think of this and your own ideas other than this..

any way here are some neat sites to go to and learn//


Gods blessings
Actually i believe permaculture is where you have multiple levels to your property. Where you have fruit or nut trees also fruit bushes and vines, some under and growing up the trees, and perennial veggies along with herbs, veggies, and beneficial plants. They are all incorporated and make it more permanent and producing on different levels.

hi ya all .. i would like to swap an idea for another idea .. has any one concidered permaculture other wise known as  aquaponics .i personaly think its  great and a fun thing to try.

it can be done even in some ones house on a smaller scale .. and people often like fish along with raising plants ..so why not raise them to gether and reep the wonderful benefits of
raising things you never thought you could by means of aqua culture .. no im not interested in your money just what you think of this and your own ideas  other than this..

any way here are some neat sites to go to and learn//


Gods blessings
hi ya all .. i would like to swap an idea for another idea .. has any one concidered permaculture other wise known as aquaponics .i personaly think its great and a fun thing to try.

it can be done even in some ones house on a smaller scale .. and people often like fish along with raising plants ..so why not raise them to gether and reep the wonderful benefits of
raising things you never thought you could by means of aqua culture .. no im not interested in your money just what you think of this and your own ideas other than this..

any way here are some neat sites to go to and learn//


Gods blessings

I always thought it was called hydroponics? It was very popular where I lived in Northern California. I have never tried it myself, though.
hydroponics uses water, aeroponics uses nebulized water and nutrients and aquaponics uses recycled fish water, the fish add nutrients to the water and the plants filter the nitrogen out of the water so it can be recycled to the fish. I have a friend who raises tilapia. He raises about 60 fish in a 90gallon pond and filters the water through his tomato plants.
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