2014 breeding season begins, post your results

I got back from my trip yesterday and today I went to eat dinner with Aaron and then get the incubator with the Burmese eggs back from him. I just candled them when I got home, and I am afraid that both are no good!!! Egg # 1, which I set a day before egg # 2, seems to smell and at 10 days of incubation it is looking dark...Like dark as in hard to see the top dark.

Egg # 2 looks pretty much clear and I noticed that the air sack is messed up from shipping.

I was so hopping at least one would hatch for me.

So what do you all think? Do they sound bad? I am pretty sure they are no good the more I think about it...I guess I don't want to except that egg # 1 smells but it does have a slight smell to it and when I picked up the eggs from Aaron he said it had recently started to smell.

I knew I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up, but I really did!

SOOOOO Sorry to hear that. I pulled all six of my shipped ones as well. After 10 days there was no change or sign of development. I put each in a ziploc bag and cracked them and there was not a single intact yolk, all had been scrambled by USPS.
I've got some more being shipped to me this week so I am hoping for better results with them.
I just cracked open a dud egg from one of my yearling hens, it was 5 days old when i put it under my broody making this egg 17 days old, something tells me you may have gotten an older egg mabe by mistake.
Thanks for all of your help! I still have the eggs, I was waiting til today to crack them since last night it was late and I didn't want to fool with them.

I think I will candle them one more time just to make myself feel better about cracking them open. I will try and get photos...
Egg 19 - Laid 5-2 - Set 5-16 (two weeks old). Here it is at day 9 and 10 of incubation.

Day 9

Day 10

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Okay I threw out Egg # 2 because it was clear, but now I can't bring myself to throw out the other egg. It doesn't really smell today and because it was incubating over at Aaron's house in his messy room while I was gone maybe that is why it was smelling funny. It just doesn't seem to smell now not even my dad who has a very sensitive nose can smell anything. Soo I am keeping it for now. It is hard for me to see much inside...I do see the chick (dead or alive I am not sure) and it is pretty dark looking but I am gonna hold onto it just because I have thrown out a good egg before and I don't want that to happen again. Here is a photo of the egg I am holding onto:

It is just a little darker in the photo and of course you can't see the chick. I am worried I might have seen a blood ring around it but it is very hard seeing into this egg for me because the pores are playing with my eyes.

I know it won't be fun if it explodes in the incubator or something but I guess right now I have wishful thinking.
Minx 10 day old eggs out of the bator do not look like that
It almost looks like it is way far along in development except you would see a defined air cell if that were the case, i don't want you to feel bad but i believe that is a stink bomb and take it from me you do not want that thing to explode, you could do a quick float test, ain't gonna hurt to see if it floats like a cork

This chart is for duck eggs but it is the same time table
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Thank you all for helping!!!

I knew about the float test but I have only done that with eggs not incubated. I guess I didn't realize I could have been using that to find bad incubated eggs! I will definitely try that, but it does seem like it is a bad egg. I need to copy that development chart. I just don't do a lot of hatching so I forget what the norm is for a good egg.


Edit: Well now I am confused!!! I tried the float test and I gently put the egg in there. It sinks! When you say float, do you mean the egg will be just about at the top of the water or do you mean the larger end of the egg will just barely be floating from the bottom of the container because this egg is pretty much on the bottom...
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I think if they're bad they float to the surface. FYI, an egg with an air cell might not lay flat, the air cell will cause it to rise a little, but the pointy end should still touch. Make sense? Don't give up egg yet!


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