2014 breeding season begins, post your results

OMG i am in love what a pretty baby and i like the name
Last week I got my first ever shipped eggs from @DylansMom . They arrived in CA from PA in one day and were packed *perfectly*. Candling revealed "giggly* air cells, so I let them sit at room temp for 24 hours before putting them under a broody. Candled this morning and all six had something in them, not one of them was clear like the pics of my own eggs that I posted earlier in this thread. Still have a long ways to go, but my first experience with shipped eggs has been way better than I could have hoped for.

Thanks, @DylansMom !

Sending hatching vibs
what color are you hoping for?
Who, me? If so, I have quite the selection... Eggs were marked w/w, p/sp, bs-c/bs, lp/sp, maybe @DylansMom will explain what that means. To me it means something other that IB, lol.

Who, me? If so, I have quite the selection... Eggs were marked w/w, p/sp, bs-c/bs, lp/sp, maybe @DylansMom will explain what that means. To me it means something other that IB, lol.

w/w = white male / white hen, p/sp = pied male / silver pied hen, bs-c/bs = black shoulder split cameo male / black shoulder hen, lp/sp = loud pied male / silver pied hen, keep track and I can send pics of parents if you'd like.
Last week I got my first ever shipped eggs from @DylansMom . They arrived in CA from PA in one day and were packed *perfectly*. Candling revealed "giggly* air cells, so I let them sit at room temp for 24 hours before putting them under a broody. Candled this morning and all six had something in them, not one of them was clear like the pics of my own eggs that I posted earlier in this thread. Still have a long ways to go, but my first experience with shipped eggs has been way better than I could have hoped for.

Thanks, @DylansMom !


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