2014 New York Chickenstock

I looooooooooooooove my naked necks. I need eggs so I can hatch more!!! :) I need a few other colors than black and buff tho. :)
you got buff?

can I see some pic?

maybe we can trade I have lots of colors, I would do almost anything for a buff
you got buff?

can I see some pic?

maybe we can trade I have lots of colors, I would do almost anything for a buff

That means Featherz has to come to the picnic. (Or talk me into transporting them back to Abany area for her)
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Hahahahha.. Well, maybe they aren't 'buff' - I am not so good with chicken colors. They are orange - which seems to be the most common color for NN. I do have two others that are not as orangey.. Hard for me to get eggs, as they are not separated from the pack. At least one is a green-egger. :)

I'd love to come to the picnic, but it's an awfully long way away and we are down to one car at the moment. We shall see!! =)

Orangey ladies


Tab Could you keep me posted on a rough head count please. Don't want anyone to go hungry do we.
Come on Look at my avatar. Cpt. Boobert is awesome, awesome yes sir ree.
That is true!! I want eggs! Maybe I can get me a purty roo also.

Actually gomez, while ugleee, is an excellent roo. Even attacked a hawk once, but never nasty to the hoomans. My other much prettier non NN roo ran for the hills when the hawk came.. and he can be snarly now and then to me if he doesn't like my clothes.

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