2014 New York Chickenstock

How is the egg color with your marans? Are they feather legged? I'm going to have a BBS copper flock this year and certainly wouldn't mind adding some new blood
Might be interested in some brabanters too.
I think they're pretty dark... Here they are contrast w a white egg in the middle, blue, below that and welsummer at the bottom:

My marans do have feathered legs. Let me know what you think/if you want any. I might do a presale price so I can judge better what to prepare for... What is everyone else selling their eggs/chicks for?
I think they're pretty dark... Here they are contrast w a white egg in the middle, blue, below that and welsummer at the bottom:

My marans do have feathered legs. Let me know what you think/if you want any. I might do a presale price so I can judge better what to prepare for... What is everyone else selling their eggs/chicks for?

Everyone else is giving their chicks away.
PM me the price you want for them. I am starting to think 3 is better than 5. I am getting short on coop space....but can you tell gender when they are young? (I have waaaaaaaaaaaaay to many roosters as it is, if I pay for chicks I want to make sure I get at least one hen out of the expense) (I also want spring to come on a weekend so I can butcher these extra roos. I know I am going to have at least 2 go broody soon. Plus the possiblity of a duck wanting to start a family. I need space)

I used to have a Marans. Maybe I still do, but if I do her egg isn't dark enough to be able to tell it from the other birds eggs. I gave away about 10 birds before winter.....she may have been one of them....but I just don't know any more. They are all starting to look alike to me.
LOL that's a bad sign.. =) =)
Yes, it is. Of the 22 I have 15 are black or mostly black. I think I need to add a different color. In my defense, I DID try to add some red leghorns or Rhode Island Reds or something red, but the ONE that survived is a dang ROO. So, I either need a different color chicken or different color egg layer. I would LOVE to have those Dark Marans eggs in the picture above and put my Ameracana roo over her to hatch some chicks that would lay a very dark olive color egg. (I hope) THEN put my OTHER ameraucana roo over THOSE hens and hatch a sweet teal green laying chick.

Did I tell you I have an almost sky blue egg? It is SOOOooo pretty, I don't want to crack it to eat it. LOL
I have my avatar sitting on 8 eggs
hopefully I get some baby sebastopols

and blue naked necks hatching out my b***

any one need any up north?

Tab put me down for some blue nn chicks for the auction
Everyone else is giving their chicks away.
PM me the price you want for them. I am starting to think 3 is better than 5. I am getting short on coop space....but can you tell gender when they are young? (I have waaaaaaaaaaaaay to many roosters as it is, if I pay for chicks I want to make sure I get at least one hen out of the expense) (I also want spring to come on a weekend so I can butcher these extra roos. I know I am going to have at least 2 go broody soon. Plus the possiblity of a duck wanting to start a family. I need space)

I used to have a Marans. Maybe I still do, but if I do her egg isn't dark enough to be able to tell it from the other birds eggs. I gave away about 10 birds before winter.....she may have been one of them....but I just don't know any more. They are all starting to look alike to me.
omg- I didn't realize people were giving their chicks away? I thought the original post said to bring stuff to sell? I will definitely be bringing donations for the auction & potluck as well... but I was under the impression this was a buy/sell/trade chicken lovers picnic!
omg- I didn't realize people were giving their chicks away? I thought the original post said to bring stuff to sell? I will definitely be bringing donations for the auction & potluck as well... but I was under the impression this was a buy/sell/trade chicken lovers picnic!

Well can't it be both. If folks want to donate for the auction AND bring stuff to trade or sell? I don't have any NN's and I wouldn't mind a couple.
omg- I didn't realize people were giving their chicks away? I thought the original post said to bring stuff to sell? I will definitely be bringing donations for the auction & potluck as well... but I was under the impression this was a buy/sell/trade chicken lovers picnic!
Some people are giving some away by choice for the raffle (Chinese auction). We will have a section for people to set up booths to sell things separate from the Chinese auction

Well can't it be both. If folks want to donate for the auction AND bring stuff to trade or sell? I don't have any NN's and I wouldn't mind a couple.
We are having both this year.
Date: Saturday May 17th
Time: 11am until ?
Location: My home. Rome, NY will PM address

Come one Come all! All are welcome to attend.

There will be a Chinese auction and potluck meal. Donations are welcome. I will keep a list of what is volunteered.
You are more than welcome to bring birds, eggs, or other things to sell separate from auction. If bringing live animals please have them caged with food/water dishes. I have water on site to fill dishes. If you are buying or getting live animals please bring your own cage/box with water dish to bring them home. Please bring your own chair being we only have so many of our own.

This is a rain or shine event. We will have tents set up and have a large garage to use if need be. If you have your own pop up tent please bring it if you can.

Chinese Auction Donations:

Metella- wine/beer
Ke5hde- dozen barnie eggs
Cass- raffle tickets, beer/wine
Pyxis- eggs
Chickenstalker- eggs and jam
Tab- gift basket, bag of feed
aceschix- raffle supplies (brown bags, tape, markers, table clothes)
acescix- eggs and pickles
Nava- blue NN chicks

Food Donations:

EOrpbreeder- mac n cheese
Cass- chips and brownies?
Jlaw- juice
Lapeerian- dill pickle slices and zucchini relish
why do birds- deviled eggs
Tab- sausage and meatballs
Xovan-grill with burger and dogs
Metella- snack crackers and cookie-ish desert
aceschix- food supplies (cups, napkins, plates, bowls, utensils)
Momma- blueberry buckle
Rancher- buns
Glasshen- pork and beans
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