2014 New York Chickenstock

Wouldnt we all ...7 Roos how many Hens do you have ? So what would you do at hatch if you knew it was a roo ? Not raise it or not get attached ? http://poultrykeeper.com/poultry-breeding/what-is-autosexing. Blue Eggs - Beautiful ! Yes how much ?
Are you asking me what I do with the roos at hatch if not needed? Ummmm do you really want to know?? ;( I do and will hold onto a few for breeding purposes but the rest , if not sold go to baby chick heaven....Im sorry if this offends people but its my responsible reality of raising birds and NOT biting off more than Can chew...Im a breeder but not to make money...I don't buy birds at shows or sell birds at shows...I rarely if ever sell eggs anymore because Im just to busy but because tabs and travis are AWESOME Im thrilled to share with folks at their chickenstock. I can offer them up to make peoples lives much easier like they have done for me...and if I can make back what it cost to get these buggers...Im all over that!!! LoL
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They will be only a few days old when I bring the CCLS...THANK you for the correction they ARE autosexable not sex linked I always mistakenly say that!! Meaning you can mate brothers mothers father sisters and they all still produce sexable chicks at hatch!!! Waited a long time to get these and didnt ever think I would...Tabs chickenstock is the only place I will let chicks go;) the rest stay with me!!! :D I have 14 in bator now and 3 under a broody and collecting more as we speak...

I sell them by the pair and you can purchase extras pullets to go with BUT you have to at least take a roo ( do with the poor bugger what you will but it makes my job as the executioner much easier this way)

Extra females..15$

Or you can go through GFF and pay 59$ for a day old female and 29$ for a day old roo!! Lol



You can get a sense of the color of eggs with these photos??? You can make Olive eggers with the roo as well!!! I am:) I have marans in with my roo as well and Im starting to incubate them to see the funkiness of the chicks!!

I would be interested in a trio or more :) please pm me if you think you will have some to spare. And I would give a roo to my sister if you have any extras. She lost her roo...
Hey chick in...your the first to ask so your in! You just tell me how many you want and Ill mark it down so you get the first grouping available. I'll ask everyone to pay in full when the chicks hatch through paypal and then I'll bring them:) I dont want to take everyones $ right now just in case..so ill create a list and and whatever hatches...i'll go down the list and let everyone know whats available and whats left one by one...


You can get a sense of the color of eggs with these photos??? You can make Olive eggers with the roo as well!!! I am:) I have marans in with my roo as well and Im starting to incubate them to see the funkiness of the chicks!!

The color is beautiful. How is the size and quantity of eggs? My worry is the more expensive chicks are the first to die! Lol.
I have 1 girl that lays smaller eggs but the others lay big blue ones :p Quantity?? They are mot bred for being fabulous egg layers but I get some everyday all Winter from my girls...Im praying they will all continue to lay for at least one more month or two for chicken stock chicks! Lol
Sigh - late to the blue egg party - I've been jones-ing for a blue egg layer - Even on a list here for a university project - but they have not been active for 8 months ....

I would take a trio if you have enough .... so put me on your waiting list.
Metella...you are 2 nd to want to be on the list...so your pretty much guaranteed to get your trio :D
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