2014 New York Chickenstock

I'm scheduled to work that night, but I'll see if I can get it off. Given that I'm working an extra day for them every other week (on my week off), hopefully I can get it.
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Oh ! Excellent ! Ask Pyxis ... I have been researching and studying about this for over 6 months .... I believe it was HER fault anyway.

but I don't check in the picnic thread all the time, as I figured out what I want and what I am bringing :) I had no idea a close person had the CLB !

I couldn't pay that high price from the other breeder .... so I was waiting. Cool and thanks for making it affordable. Tell me when you want the paypal to be transferred.

And I do keep the roos - they integrate with the big flock for most of the year and get pulled out to a breeding pen if I want babies. I don't show or sell - all just for me! :)

I do sell my eggs to local people to eat.
Cass that is the reason I tried so hard to get these!!!! I was tired of spending all the money raising birds for months only to find out half are roos!!! Yes eating them is one thing but to spend 40$ A roo to eating age is not my option anymore!! I bit the bullet and got these WELL WORTH IT FOLKS!!!!
Nothing more exciting then watching babies hatch and saying..." Ahhh another pullet...ooooh and another...and another....!!!! Yippy

Well ya know I love ya and now I love your chicks. I would like a trio. One roo (cuz I need him to keep up hatching out autosexing chicks, right?) And 2 females. Then I'll hatch my own next year. I looooove the blue eggs. (I am ALL about egg color. OH, that reminds me I ordered 2 Marans chicks too. Hmm...LOTS of money, bring lots of money)

I have no problems with dispatching extra roos to Freezer Camp....BUT how much calmer my flock will be if I can be CERTAIN that they are roos at 16 - 18 weeks of age and send them on their merry way, instead of guessing, waiting a couple more weeks to be sure and then having it get to darn cold to do the deed. (Which is why I have 7 roos down there over like 14 hens and confusion reigns in that side of the coop) (and almost NO EGGS. Hey chickies where are those eggs? Oh, you say the darn roosters keep bothering you and you can't get a moments peace to lay one? Sorry. I'll work on that problem the second it get warm enough to take gloves off to pluck those darn boys)
i am a HUGE believer in paying it forward...like I said Im not in this for the money, but I do like to earn some back to pay for their coop upgrades and food...I highly doubt you will ever see me anywhere selling chicks or birds except at one of my friends chickenstocks!! 1-2x a year...MAYBE on craigslist if I have a huge excess but not often...I have had great people make some breeds of birds affordable to me or swap or give me some to start...so its pay back time:)
Well ya know I love ya and now I love your chicks.   I would like a trio.  One roo (cuz I need him to keep up hatching out autosexing chicks, right?) And 2 females.   Then I'll hatch my own next year.  I looooove the blue eggs.  (I am ALL about egg color.  OH, that reminds me I ordered 2 Marans chicks too.  Hmm...LOTS of money, bring lots of money)

I have no problems with dispatching extra roos to Freezer Camp....BUT how much calmer my flock will be if I can be CERTAIN that they are roos at 16 - 18 weeks of age and send them on their merry way, instead of guessing, waiting a couple more weeks to be sure and then having it get to darn cold to do the deed.  (Which is why I have 7 roos down there over like 14 hens and confusion reigns in that side of the coop)  (and almost NO EGGS.  Hey chickies where are those eggs?  Oh, you say the darn roosters keep bothering you and you can't get a moments peace to lay one?  Sorry.  I'll work on that problem the second it get warm enough to take gloves off to pluck those darn boys)

Yes!!! Keep your marans if hens with the CCLs and youll have OEs as well!!!
Sonew, could you save me three roosters? And let me know how much? I have some EEs and Cuckoo Marans who would like a blue egg mate
. If you have adults you want to cull, that's okay, too. Was going to try to find some true araucanas, but this is just as good.
Would anyone be interested in Black Jersey Giants? They are sweet and gentle and lay a large light brown egg. Mr. Black got a bad case of frostbite this winter, but he is still a handsome dude!

They are from a breeder, not hatchery.
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Sonew, could you save me three roosters?  And let me know how much?  I have some EEs and Cuckoo Marans who would like a blue egg mate :) .  If you have adults you want to cull, that's okay, too.  Was going to try to find some true araucanas, but this is just as good.

Unfortunately, no adult culls...did that in the Fall...but I might be able to spare 2-3 of the ones Im growing out they be 8-9 weeks old at chickenstock.. 15$ each since Im paying to feed them the whole time or 10$ day olds .well have to see..either way im sure I can get you at least 1-2 if not all 3 Im praying I have mostly female layers!!! :p I would like to add another dozen layers into that flock because the possibilities are huge with these as far as creating need looking birds :lol:
Unfortunately, no adult culls...did that in the Fall...but I might be able to spare 2-3 of the ones Im growing out they be 8-9 weeks old at chickenstock.. 15$ each since Im paying to feed them the whole time or 10$ day olds .well have to see..either way im sure I can get you at least 1-2 if not all 3 Im praying I have mostly female layers!!!
I would like to add another dozen layers into that flock because the possibilities are huge with these as far as creating need looking birds

Okay, sounds good. Was hoping for at least a couple so I could keep the best one. I have been eating some excessively expensive chicken dinners, too. Did you stop raising araucanas?

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