2014 New York Chickenstock

Desiree, this probably won't be up to your standards, but I got a new sewing machine and had fun with it. It was loosely based on the Tilly's Nest Quilt, but of course I did stuff my own way...but it has chickens on it, so I figured maybe it would be a good thing for the auction. It was cozy to work on during the cold spells.
Desiree, this probably won't be up to your standards, but I got a new sewing machine and had fun with it. It was loosely based on the Tilly's Nest Quilt, but of course I did stuff my own way...but it has chickens on it, so I figured maybe it would be a good thing for the auction. It was cozy to work on during the cold spells.
I decided in 07 I wanted to quilt. My first sewing machine was junk and I almost gave up. I couldn't figure out how to read a pattern ( still can't lol). But I figured out by trial and error how to make a quilt. And all my friends started supporting me and buying my quilts from me. I have a FB page: uniquely Quilted by Desiree Brown. I just donated one to a silent auction and it brought in 100. They aren't that big or fancy but I love sewing. My husband took our tax return a few years back and bought me a huskavarna sewing machine. I love it!! I want to take a few sewing classes but haven't been able to find the time between a teenage girl, homeschooling two boys and a toddler. Ill get there some day.

Can I bring my kids to the picnic?? They have a homeschool closing party on that day but I think I want to skip it for a educational field trip lol we just had 9 eggs that died right before lockdown ( to much water). My kids dissected the eggs. It was gross!! But the boys thought it was fun. They are obsessed with chickens like me. My 8 yo tried to spend all his money he has been saving all winter on ducks at TSC the other day when his runners are being shipped on wen. Lol
Thanks for making me feel guilty! Lol jk I thought about bringing mine but I really don't want to. But I hate bringing them anywhere that gives me opportunity for adult time/conversation because when I do all I hear is Mom, mom mom mom, mama mama mama mama Ma Ma Ma

We'll see tho. If there are going to be other kids there maybe I won't get a sitter.
Thanks for making me feel guilty! Lol jk I thought about bringing mine but I really don't want to. But I hate bringing them anywhere that gives me opportunity for adult time/conversation because when I do all I hear is Mom, mom mom mom, mama mama mama mama Ma Ma Ma

We'll see tho. If there are going to be other kids there maybe I won't get a sitter.
Don't feel to bad, i am leaving my 2 with their dad leaving friday evening and returning saturday evening
Travis said it's no problem to have a butchering demo. It won't be a problem to dump the parts out in the back field and we'll have a separate area for it so those who don't want to participate don't have to see it. I do have a big pot for water. Travis and I will not be participating. We have no desire to butcher for ourselves, but great for those who do.

We burn papers, compost, animals get food scraps, and recycle. When doing something large we drive it to the dump ourselves. I was thinking of setting up separate cans for scraps, recyclables, and trash.

Thank you Tab! i can bring my huge butcher pot i will just need access to water
Anyone interested in Heritage Breed RIR chicks? I will have a few available if you are interested. I can bring them to the picnic. Send me a pm if you are interested.
So just a little story about kids if you don't mind.

DW was telling today about a coworker who was crying because she only gets to to see her grandson for 4 hrs on Sundays. It seems her son and the mother aren't together. Not sure how that went. BUT it seems the mother has a new boyfriend and a new baby and seems to think letting her see the grandson somehow affects the family dynamics badly.

The son says the boy doesn't like to go to grammas,and in no way cares. That she should buy him an Xbox. Gramma lives on a farm.

So what's my point? DW is at DD's babysitting so she can go for groceries. The SIL has a hurt back and bad tooth. I will be babysitting next Monday so they can both go while he has that tooth pulled.
I don't understand what it is with Grandparents not wanting their grandkids.

( DD just called to say she's home. She came and did her laundry. She's 30 but knows we don't like it when they don't call to let us know they got home okay. )

Now back to the kids.

We know folks that won't babysit unless they are paid or schedule ahead of time.

Our SIL's parents say they don't see why we have to have our family holidays separate.
Normally the kids come here one Christmas and the next at the other Grandparents. Same with other holidays. We get a long. It's not easy but we do. At least for me.

Showing kids how to behave in public and social situations is part and parcel to raising kids. We have friends who's kids can interact with folks of all ages.

If you believe it takes a village to raise kids there is sure to be a village at the picnic. So bring the kids.


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