2014 New York Chickenstock

I have 2 kiddos that will be with us. They have been to the last 4 annual get togethers and still they choose to return
No, Really it is fun and it is like a village with all of us having similar interests. None of us take things too seriously, life is too short

They are 12 (son) & 15(DD) they can shepherd the "little" kids around ;) My 15 year old DD has already told Tabs dibs on Nora!
You know I get just as excited when the kids have a snow day as they do. The worst commercial ever, to me, was the back to school one when they were playing the most wonderful day in the world. It really turned my stomach. Having chickens has just brought us closer!!! Best thing we have done as a family ever. I just wish we did it sooner.
I have 2 an 18 yr old coming home from College That Friday and a 15 yr old. They will be manning my house and pets! They LOVE it when I do chickenstock at my house--love the fun, food, and meeting new people as well as seeing the usual Sharky group:)

My girls still have 4 grandparents and 5 great grandparents-One set of grandparents ( hubbies parents) live right next door-literally 100 ft away. We love them and my kids are always over there-especially in the Summer. The others not so much:( I really never went out or to too many places when my babies were young-felt guilty asking:( But now..I'm selfish..It's me time and my awesome kids are trustworthy enough to take care of the whole shebang while momma and daddy mix it up at chickenstock:)
I have 2 kiddos that will be with us. They have been to the last 4 annual get togethers and still they choose to return
No, Really it is fun and it is like a village with all of us having similar interests. None of us take things too seriously, life is too short

They are 12 (son) & 15(DD) they can shepherd the "little" kids around ;) My 15 year old DD has already told Tabs dibs on Nora!

I called Dibs on Nora in my first post. But I'll share, I promise.
We have batted around the idea of having an auction just for the kids. Anyone think that is a good idea this year, since there seems to be a lot of children coming?
I'm with you there. It is nice once in a while to have some away time. I wouldn't mine once a month, but it usually only happens once every 6 months.

I wish that I could raise my kids the way that I was. My Grandma always took care of me when my mom couldn't. I wish that I could offer that kind of love to my kids. I was so close to her and I miss her so. My MIL lives just down the street and we have the opposite problem with her. She LOVES to watch the kids, but it is hard for her to get around. She still does the best she can. And she usually comes and stops in at least once during the week cause she has "withdrawal symptoms" when she doesn't see them. My mother on the other had is going trough this selfish stage right now and I'm lucky if I can go out there once every 2 months and she is less then an hour away. Getting them to come out here is like pulling teeth without novocain!

I used to spend a week each summer with each of my grandmothers. Looooved it. (Started when I was only 6 years old) My mom? When I told her I was pregnant her instant response? "Don't expect me to watch them, I raised my family". OMG. Thanks mom, I'll raise mine differently than I raised yours for you. Sheesh. And she didn't. She watched them exactly 2 times. BOTH times I was in the hospital having the next one. And the only reason she did that was because my MIL was 6 miles in the opposite direction from the hospital and she was right across the road. And then she complained that I woke her up in the middle of the night. Sorry, mom, but that's when I went into labor....not really in my control, ya know.

(And she didn't raise her own children....I did. From the age of 6 it was deemed I was old enough to fix breakfast. Oatmeal was cheapest, so there I was over the gas stove, on a chair, cooking oatmeal so we could eat breakfast before school. Family laundry at age 10. Canning veggies at age 11. Fixing Dinner at age 12. And I don't mean once in a while, I mean ALL THE TIME. But, since her head injury, she can't remember a single thing from when she raised us kids. I wonder why. LOL. The only thing she can remember is putting all the puzzles we dumped on the floor every day together each night. Ahh, mom? Don't put the puzzles where we can reach them then. Oh, but then you would have had to pay some attention to us and get us down a puzzle when we wanted one. Got it)
This might sound silly but how do I sign up for things I am interested in at the picnic? And know how much to bring? I think we are leaning on going to the picnic ill sign up to bring a dish as soon as I get the ok from DH. Also I'm not sure but I might have some NN Silkie cross chicks. Ill let you know if anyone is interested. Idk what else I might have that's interesting.
Or I have Phoenix eggs possible Roos : white Silkie or EE. I have 4 in the bator now I'm interested to see what I get ( if any lol I can't seam to work my incubator)
I used to spend a week each summer with each of my grandmothers. Looooved it. (Started when I was only 6 years old) My mom? When I told her I was pregnant her instant response? "Don't expect me to watch them, I raised my family". OMG. Thanks mom, I'll raise mine differently than I raised yours for you. Sheesh. And she didn't. She watched them exactly 2 times. BOTH times I was in the hospital having the next one. And the only reason she did that was because my MIL was 6 miles in the opposite direction from the hospital and she was right across the road. And then she complained that I woke her up in the middle of the night. Sorry, mom, but that's when I went into labor....not really in my control, ya know.

(And she didn't raise her own children....I did. From the age of 6 it was deemed I was old enough to fix breakfast. Oatmeal was cheapest, so there I was over the gas stove, on a chair, cooking oatmeal so we could eat breakfast before school. Family laundry at age 10. Canning veggies at age 11. Fixing Dinner at age 12. And I don't mean once in a while, I mean ALL THE TIME. But, since her head injury, she can't remember a single thing from when she raised us kids. I wonder why. LOL. The only thing she can remember is putting all the puzzles we dumped on the floor every day together each night. Ahh, mom? Don't put the puzzles where we can reach them then. Oh, but then you would have had to pay some attention to us and get us down a puzzle when we wanted one. Got it)
I did the same thing with my grandparents when I was little, but I was always there. Once my mom remarried and we moved down state my sisters and I would come up north and spend 1 week with our dad then 3 with our grandparents! My favorite time of year well at least the part that I was with my grandparents.
This might sound silly but how do I sign up for things I am interested in at the picnic? And know how much to bring? I think we are leaning on going to the picnic ill sign up to bring a dish as soon as I get the ok from DH. Also I'm not sure but I might have some NN Silkie cross chicks. Ill let you know if anyone is interested. Idk what else I might have that's interesting.

What are you interested in? If it is eggs or chicks you can PM the person offering them. If it is what you are going to bring, just say it here on the forum. If you want people to let you know their interest beforehand, just say that in your post. (several are only going to hatch/bring what is spoken for so the birds don't have to make the trip home if unclaimed)

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