2014 New York Chickenstock

I need to go buy a snow blower...but knowing my luck, I'll buy one and we'll get no more snow after this and next winter will nothing compared to this one.

If that is what will happen, let me give ya $100 toward that snowblower. I am Sooooo sick of snow. (And I grew up here in NY....I must be getting old)
Just tossed some hay to the horses ! Whew - took me forever for a few second walk to the barn .... snow up to my hips! Fell but was basically at the same height! ha ha ha Floundered like a fool until I had my feet under me again.

Got good cold weather gear - so wasn't cold at all - even when stretched out on the snow .... Horses pounded down a little area so they are not swimming in the snow ....

Snow came in my barn past the 1/2 way support beams and covered the table saw !!!! ARGE - gunna have to work on how to close in the soffit vent that is open all along one long side of the barn.

Lots of work - gunna take a break - then work on the chicken chores .... a 5 minute food/water run is going to take a good 45 min I bet !

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Cass, Patagonia makes really nice waders for women...
And Lynzi, I second that, Pleeze buy a snowblower. Or, you could get a contract with a plow guy. It is lovely having the truck show up and spend 3 minutes. Then I drive out like the princess I love to be.
I just get nervous with making these big purchases while just renting this place. I caved and let DH buy the John Deer last summer. It was worth it and I like all the attachments they have for it, one of which being that trailer that goes on the back that I plan to buy this summer. I have to keep telling myself that even if we did move again I refuse to go back to apartment living so we will get use out of the things we buy no matter where we are living.
Grandma, thanks for the Timothy ref! I gained a lot of strength from Isaiah during that time, Chapter 50 to the end. Thankfully there are so many good people in the world, and it's so nice to see people stay together and raise families. I think I just have bad luck, but it seems to be changing!
Grandma, thanks for the Timothy ref!  I gained a lot of strength from Isaiah during that time, Chapter 50 to the end.  Thankfully there are so many good people in the world, and it's so nice to see people stay together and raise families.  I think I just have bad luck, but it seems to be changing! 

I liked the Timothy ref too!! I have two theme verses for the year 2014, one of them is in 2 Timothy 4. I've been slacking recently and it was a subtle reminder to put things back into perspective :) chicken obsessions can be very distractive lol....
Lynzi, why don't you just buy a blower attachment for the JD? That's what my daughter next door has and it works like a charm. Her 15-yr-old clears both of our places no problem. A little shovel work to neaten it up and you are done.
Lynzi, why don't you just buy a blower attachment for the JD?  That's what my daughter next door has and it works like a charm.  Her 15-yr-old clears both of our places no problem.  A little shovel work to neaten it up and you are done.

We thought about that. Do they have the plow attachment or the actually snow blower attachment?

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