2014 New York Chickenstock

Date: Saturday May 17th 2014
Time: 11am until ?
Location: My home. Rome, NY will PM address

Come one Come all! All are welcome to attend.

There will be a Chinese auction and potluck meal. Donations are welcome. I will keep a list of what is volunteered. You are more than welcome to bring birds, eggs, or other things to sell separate from auction. If bringing live animals please have them caged with food/water dishes. I have water on site to fill dishes. If you are buying or getting live animals please bring your own cage/box with water dish to bring them home. Please bring your own chair being we only have so many of our own. This is a rain or shine event. We will have tents set up and have a large garage to use if need be. If you have your own pop up tent please bring it if you can.

Chinese Auction Donations:

Metella- wine/beer
Ke5hde- dozen barnie eggs
Cass- raffle tickets, beer/wine
Pyxis- eggs
Chickenstalker- eggs and jam
Tab- gift basket, bag of feed
aceschix- raffle supplies (brown bags, tape, markers, table clothes)
aceschix- eggs and pickles
Nava- blue NN chicks
Sonew- CCL egg
Lynzi- eggs and dino sauces
Bakingintherain- homemade wine
Glasshen- small quilt
chick inn- eggs and wine
horsekeeper- chicken home décor item
Gramma- themed items (duck dynasty,etc)

Food Donations:

EOrpbreeder- mac n cheese
Cass- chips and brownies?
Jlaw- juice
Lapeerian- dill pickle slices and zucchini relish, ketchup, mustard,
Pharm-veggies and hummus
why do birds- deviled eggs
Tab- sausage and meatballs
Xovan-grill with burger and dogs
Metella- snack crackers and cookie-ish desert
aceschix- food supplies (cups, napkins, plates, bowls, utensils)
Momma- blueberry buckle
Rancher- rolls
Glasshen- pork and beans
Sonew- mac salad and chips
Lynzi- dino pulled pork
Bakingintherain- cake
JWEBB- pie
chick inn- tomato and avocado salad
horsekeeper- deviled eggs

Just to keep it where I can find it.
Hello. Over here from the NY Chicken lover thread to see what's doing. Love that thread. Appears some of you are over here too. Hope you don't mind me butting in. Not sure I can make on the 17th b/c it looks like I have to work the over-nights before and after, but working on it...

So regarding the thread above... yeah. More enclosures can be dangerous. DH doesn't like when I build new structures for the birds b/c sometimes that means more birds and I turn our lawn into a shanty-town of chicken structures, can't say I really blame him, but you know... This past summer we did color rangers for the second year and I really wanted a bigger structure than I had used the first year. So the plan was to build something big enough to winter the tractor in. Ie: double duty so it's ok to build it, right? So I built an A-frame structure with a base of 8'x10' and put wheels on it. I measured and built so it was tall enough for the tractor. It was great for the rangers. Pushed it around the lawn so they always had fresh grass. Then when they were done it was an extra place for the layers and the turkeys to get out of the sun, rain & wind. Then we placed it over the tractor as planned. The tiller & the push mower fit under there too. Great!

Well then the winter from hell came. Late December's freezing cold temperatures came and apparently my geese did not have enough goose down in their jackets. Who knew? They had a house with a light, but apparently it wasn't big enough or warm enough or the wrong color, IDK. But they preferred to sit and shiver in the wind rather than go in their house. The gander lost his back toenails to what I think was frostbite & my vet told me I had to give him more shelter. So the tractor traded the A-frame for a tarp and the geese received a new enclosure. I double insulated it with bubble foil and hay bales. Hung a heat lamp in there and its toasty warm. It's big enough so that they can stay in there all day when it's super cold. They go in there to get out of the wind and really seem to like it. The chickens love going in there to turn over the bedding and one even lays her eggs in there when she can. The old goose house will make a great broody house.

Hopefully we can get the tractor started when there's lawn to mow.

A lot of us are over here. This thread was created to keep track of picnic things....the other thread is so active, plans might get lost amoung the posts. Welcome. Hope you can make it to the picnic. It was a lot of fun last time and more people are planning to come this year.

If you are able to come we are all bringing a "dish to share" and our own chairs. Others are adding an item for the Chinese Auction and tables, extra chairs, eggs and birds as they see fit (or have pre-sold). Extra items are optional, first 2 are not (if you plan to sit)
Got it. Sorry to be so long winded & off topic
. Oops.

If I can make it, I will bring a greek pasta salad to share, a chair, and a bottle of wine for the auction. Hope I can be there. Would really like to meet all of you in person.

Does anyone know if it's supposed to snow that day?
Got it. Sorry to be so long winded & off topic :oops: .  Oops.

If I can make it, I will bring a greek pasta salad to share, a chair, and a bottle of wine for the auction.  Hope I can be there.  Would really like to meet all of you in person.:)

Does anyone know if it's supposed to snow that day? ;)
Lol ... Don't even JOKE about that!!!!! :) I believe it has happened before in my lifetime...
Hello. Over here from the NY Chicken lover thread to see what's doing. Love that thread. Appears some of you are over here too. Hope you don't mind me butting in. Not sure I can make on the 17th b/c it looks like I have to work the over-nights before and after, but working on it...

So regarding the thread above... yeah. More enclosures can be dangerous. DH doesn't like when I build new structures for the birds b/c sometimes that means more birds and I turn our lawn into a shanty-town of chicken structures, can't say I really blame him, but you know... This past summer we did color rangers for the second year and I really wanted a bigger structure than I had used the first year. So the plan was to build something big enough to winter the tractor in. Ie: double duty so it's ok to build it, right? So I built an A-frame structure with a base of 8'x10' and put wheels on it. I measured and built so it was tall enough for the tractor. It was great for the rangers. Pushed it around the lawn so they always had fresh grass. Then when they were done it was an extra place for the layers and the turkeys to get out of the sun, rain & wind. Then we placed it over the tractor as planned. The tiller & the push mower fit under there too. Great!

Well then the winter from hell came. Late December's freezing cold temperatures came and apparently my geese did not have enough goose down in their jackets. Who knew? They had a house with a light, but apparently it wasn't big enough or warm enough or the wrong color, IDK. But they preferred to sit and shiver in the wind rather than go in their house. The gander lost his back toenails to what I think was frostbite & my vet told me I had to give him more shelter. So the tractor traded the A-frame for a tarp and the geese received a new enclosure. I double insulated it with bubble foil and hay bales. Hung a heat lamp in there and its toasty warm. It's big enough so that they can stay in there all day when it's super cold. They go in there to get out of the wind and really seem to like it. The chickens love going in there to turn over the bedding and one even lays her eggs in there when she can. The old goose house will make a great broody house.

Hopefully we can get the tractor started when there's lawn to mow.

Got about this far and had a thought.

When you put up a structure figure in how it will look from the road.

Now this coop I paid extra for a Camo tarp cuz come spring and summer you can't hardly see it.

Point being a good Camo paint job, design can make all the difference. Not to mention some strategic plantings around your structure.

Lots of places have deals on shrubs and ornamental grasses and you can just stick them in the ground and let them do their thing. A good Honeysuckle vine can hide a lot. Not to mention ( why do we say "not to mention" and then we do mention it?" Home Depot and Lowes have returned for rejected paint that can be bought cheap enough and make even the ugliest structure look good.

Build a cheap trellis in front of the coop and plant an annual vine on it. Scarlet runner beans and Cardinal Flower look really nice and attract Humming birds. Scarlet Runner Beans are edible as well as pretty.

Do you know why Humming birds hum? Cuz they don't know the words.
Just to keep it where I can find it.

Excuse me I've changed my mind. I think we're going to bring rocks. Why?

Cuz Rancher Rocks sounds better than "Rancher rolls".
Or how about we bring Rocks and Rolls? Then you could put Rancher Rocks and Rolls.

Metella- snack crackers and cookie-ish desert
aceschix- food supplies (cups, napkins, plates, bowls, utensils)
Momma- blueberry buckle
Rancher- rolls
Glasshen- pork and beans
Sonew- mac salad and chips
Lynzi- dino pulled pork
Bakingintherain- cake
JWEBB- pie
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curious... can we have a posting or maybe a separate thread that lists what everyone will be selling and how much for? Mostly so people can be on par with pricing and an easy way to contact people to make pre-orders and payments?

I wouldn't mind organizing it if people would find it useful, and to make things easier for the op

Do you know why Humming birds hum?  Cuz they don't know the words.  :lau  

Rancher: thanks for the suggestions. I do try to make things look pretty & hide the ugly parts. What we really need is to have a garage or barn built. Unfortunately that is a grossly underfunded project at this point. Hopefully it's something we can make happen in 2015.

The chickens do really like the multiple structure style bc they can run & hide & stake out territories. They certainly don't care what it looks like.:)

Love hummingbirds, whatever the reason for their humming:)

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