2014 New York Chickenstock

I will have to talk to my husband, but I might be interested in the Sportsman if you do sell it. I've been looking for a cabinet incubator. I'd also be interested in cayuga ducklings. 

I'm not sure what I will have available to sell yet. Hopefully Narragansett turkey poults, if I can ever figure out how to hatch some out and maybe an assorted color of guineas if they start laying before then (which is a big if). If anyone is interested. 

I'd be interested in the guinea.
Dont let them out to free range until after they have laid .and put some fake eggs in there for them to see where to lay .
Ours get let out 12:00 pm or after ...most have laid by then .

I don't close mine in (well I should say I can't close mine in)... The door to the "coop" (which is just a storage shed with a whole in the wall) faces into the barn. So if anyone wanted to get in there they would have to make it past the pigs and goats, so we don't have to worry about foxes or anything. Once we have an actual coop build I want to have a door I can open and close so it will be easier to keep everyone from roosting in the barn and raining down poop on everyone and thing.
I'm not sure what I will have available to sell yet. Hopefully Narragansett turkey poults, if I can ever figure out how to hatch some out and maybe an assorted color of guineas if they start laying before then (which is a big if). If anyone is interested.
If the guineas don't lay with enough time to hatch, but lay for the event you could sell the hatching eggs.
Do you have Pics of your structure ?

This is winter accomidations for the chickens:

This is what I built for the geese who decided it was too small. I think it will do well as a broody house though:

This is the Aframe I built for the color rangers which now houses my pair of geese:

Everything is on wheels so I can move them around. In the winter they are w/in a chain link fence & in the summer surrounded by electric net fencing. When I'm home & it's light out everyone is allowed free-range. The chicken house & former goose house both have auto chx doors which I love.
The setup is fine for the birds I have. But if I want to grow the flock and perhaps setup a trio or two to breed, I think it makes sense to have a larger stationary building with separate runs. That's the plan in my head at this point. We'll see where it goes:)
What is this made of ...what is the white ?? the white with the wood panels looks sharp

The white paneling is dairy board: 1/4" thick plasticky fiber glassy type stuff. I chose it bc it's easy to clean. W the floor being wire mesh, I can hose the house out regularly when it's warm enough to use the hose. It's just not a very warm house. If I winter birds in there next year I will insulate it, probably on the outside.

That side of the house has shutters & a flower box. I had plans to stencil flowers & stuff on the panels, but ran out of motivation. This is the inside of that house when the geese were smaller:

It's too small for them now tho. And those days when the temperatures dropped below zero, I kept them inside. The big Aframe did well for that. I mistakenly thought that birds with thick goose-down jackets would be more resistant to the cold. Or perhaps I just did not give them enough corn in the fall.

Maybe someday it will be warm again.

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