2014 New York Chickenstock

I dont get this icon .

He/she's doing the happy dance. Don't you do the happy dance?

You see what you want to see and you hear what you want to hear. You dig? - Rockman ( ("The land of point") ( you can watch it on the internet))
oh ...okay ...Not quite like that ..Mine is more up & down ..Like a chicken ..
I have a little dance I do when I hear a egg song sometimes
oh ...okay ...Not quite like that ..Mine is more up & down ..Like a chicken ..
I have a little dance I do when I hear a egg song sometimes

Too funny!!!

And it goes a little like this.... wiggle... wiggle...quack...wiggle wiggle cluck....wiggle wiggle squawk..... wiggle wiggle.... LOL!!
Gave the ducks another swim in the tub. Had GD sit and watch them, while I took care of somethings. Came back to hear her singing to them. A lot more work drying them as they're bigger now. Still need to do the pool set up but have been busy.

This cold weather has not helped at all.

Sent the GS a book to read before I get there. "How to babysit a Grampa". Here's one page. A very nice book.


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