2014 New York Chickenstock

I ordered a portable toilet today and called the town highway department about mulch. I was on a roll.

Xovan--Did I ever answer you about coming over at 9am to set up the grill? I don't think I did. It's good with me.
If all this duck dealing doesnt work out cass I have duck eggs?? Kakhi cambell runner over my massively fat brat crested boy chuckie!! Let me know and Ill bring you some eggs...if I brought a bunch of these eggs to chickenstock is their anyone else interested in hatching them and then showing me photos?? Yours free...I just like to see my babies;) i wont hatch them though for frar of being stuck with more ducks!!

I would love to see pics :) I have decided to wait on welshies but you know best laid plans :gig
Hey everyone I am new to BYC and I'm not sure if I will be attending the event or not yet. I don't actually have any chickens yet but I think this would be a good way to get started on a small scale.

As far as organization for this event, it seems like there must be a better way for everyone to post the breeds they CAN/ARE bringing (in order to judge the amount of interest) also to list their WISHLIST and FOOD items they are bringing to pass. I have been going through the thread but there are so many pages I think it can be overwhelming.

As a way of contributing since like I said, I don't have a lot to bring...I have taken the liberty of creating a google document on a shard drive which everyone can add what they are bringing and the number of people in their party. I think Tab is doing us all a great favor and even if I can't attend I'm hoping this is helpful for you all.

I am going through the thread now, reading comments and putting that information into a spreadsheet. I feel a little bit awkward about posting on behalf of other people to the spreadsheet so if your plans have changed and you no longer are bringing that item you posted about, you can do a search for your username on the document and make the appropriate changes. Again, I hope you guys don't mind me doing this!!!!
Please note there are separate pages to this shared document

1: Roster: if you are attending and # of people
2: Offer: Breeds you are bringing- stuff you can bring if there is an interest
3: Wishlist
4: Everything else: non animal items such as food to pass and other sale items (such as tomato plants or plum trees etc)

I hope this is helpful and if I'm overstepping sorry I just thought this would be more organized!!

Hey everyone I am new to BYC and I'm not sure if I will be attending the event or not yet.  I don't actually have any chickens yet but I think this would be a good way to get started on a small scale.

As far as organization for this event, it seems like there must be a better way for everyone to post the breeds they CAN/ARE bringing (in order to judge the amount of interest) also to list their WISHLIST and FOOD items they are bringing to pass.  I have been going through the thread but there are so many pages I think it can be overwhelming.  

As a way of contributing since like I said, I don't have a lot to bring...I have taken the liberty of creating a google document on a shard drive which everyone can add what they are bringing and the number of people in their party.  I think Tab is doing us all a great favor and even if I can't attend I'm hoping this is helpful for you all.

I am going through the thread now, reading comments and putting that information into a spreadsheet.  I feel a little bit awkward about posting on behalf of other people to the spreadsheet so if your plans have changed and you no longer are bringing that item you posted about, you can do a search for your username on the document and make the appropriate changes.  Again, I hope you guys don't mind me doing this!!!!

Not a bad idea. Good thinking!
I don't know about everyone else, but I don't have a problem with Tab keeping track of the food/auction items and Chick Inn keeping a list of who has what for sale. They refresh the lists occasionally which brings it forward. I know what I'm bringing.
I personally am not comfortable with a third party taking my information and conversations to create a document somewhere other than BYC.
In words of Stoney, my .02

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