2014 New York Chickenstock

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I don't have any luck with roosters.
I have a stupid question, will there be name tags for chicken stock so we know who's who?
I have a stupid question, will there be name tags for chicken stock so we know who's who?

We had them last time, Cass was in charge then. We put both real and screen names on.

So I am bringing the pickles, relish, ketchup, mustard. Maybe something else? I make a really good and easy fruit dip.
For the auction/raffle: chicken waterer, still looking for other stuff too
I haven't heard from my SLW person and I'm sick of chasing, so who has EE chicks left? Want blue egg layers.
If someone else is not going to do the name tags I could bring sticky labels

That would be wonderful. I'll also look for my name tags from last time.....however, the thing that works best? DUCT TAPE. Seriously. That's what we used the first one I went to....stayed on all day....White Duct tape. I don't have any around, but if I get to Wally's world, I'll pick up a roll. And permanent markers.

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