2014 New York Chickenstock

I've never been to anything like this before. But I really want to come. I'd like to get to know people beforehand though, so it's not all awkward n' stuff......

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Would anyone be interested in leek seedlings? I planted seeds, and they germinated very well. Just planted a row of them and used about a fifteenth of them. They are musselburg-- or something close to that name. Seed was from Baker Creek seeds. If anyone wants some, they would be free, but let me know. one bunch of leeks from the grocery store costs more than these seeds...isn't it crazy?

I would love some! I didn't end up starting any this year :)

I just bought seeds or I would say yes.  I haven't started mine yet but will. Perhaps today.  

I bought one of those stand up green house things but the darn thing keeps blowing over. Fortunately there was nothing in it this time.  I have got to figure a way to secure it.  Weighting it down on the bottom shelf did not help. 

I bunji corded mine to my deck last year after the wind blew it off my deck and across the yard
Foxcreek cong. and good luck with your job.
I could rationalize needing a satin buck, needing some new blood lines in my Ca rabbits. Now how do I convince my other half that we've had a white rabbit turn Satin?
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Would anyone be interested in leek seedlings? I planted seeds, and they germinated very well. Just planted a row of them and used about a fifteenth of them. They are musselburg-- or something close to that name. Seed was from Baker Creek seeds. If anyone wants some, they would be free, but let me know. one bunch of leeks from the grocery store costs more than these seeds...isn't it crazy?

I'd like to try a small bunch. Never had them before. Thanks :)
Good morning! Is anyone here interested in Milk Kefir Grains? As I was straining my Kefir this morning I realized I have PLENTY of extra grains! You'll get 2 Tbs. kefir grains in milk ready to go for $5 (depending on interest, you might get more than the 2 tbs!). Let me know if you are interested! I use kefir in my green smoothies, daily! I also feed extras to the chickens and pigs. Everyone could use a little of the "good" bacteria in their gut!

This will be my very first Chickenstock. I'm getting excited!
Good morning!  Is anyone here interested in Milk Kefir Grains?  As I was straining my Kefir this morning I realized I have PLENTY of extra grains!  You'll get 2 Tbs. kefir grains in milk ready to go for $5 (depending on interest, you might get more than the 2 tbs!).  Let me know if you are interested! I use kefir in my green smoothies, daily!  I also feed extras to the chickens and pigs.  Everyone could use a little of the "good" bacteria in their gut!

This will be my very first Chickenstock.  I'm getting excited!  :)

I am very interested, I have been trying to get my hands on some since I have to toss mine during hurricane Irene
Ok, Nutty, Lap, and Baking, I have containers with your names on them. Rancher, leeks tak a long time, sure you don't want some already sprouted? They can be planted now. I put mine out before theses latest monsoons hit. Maybe I'll do another row, that will give me more than any reasonable family can eat.

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